Halloween Countdown, Day 2

Oct 02, 2011 08:33

The PotterWatch 2011 scholarly conference was fantastic! Cheers to everyone involved. It was especially great to see gods_lil_rocker again and meet amedia in person at last.

Don't miss book blogger Book Chick City's annual All Hallow's Eve event, which runs for the entire month of October and celebrates all things that go bump in the night! Check it out here (or on ( Read more... )

poe, halloween, frankenstein, fringe, lovecraft, sf, x-files, mary shelley

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Comments 6

amedia October 2 2011, 14:11:59 UTC
I hugely enjoyed Potterwatch and a big highlight was getting to meet you in person! (Another one was hearing your paper.)

I was still too excited to go to sleep when I got back to my room last night, so I sat down and wrote up a detailed report of the conference while it was still fresh in my mind. Looking back over it this morning, I realize it was more frank than diplomatic in a couple of places! But I think it still conveys what a positive experience it was.

That excerpt from your essay on Fringe is tantalizing. Definitely gonna d/load! And I remember that "bonus quote" at the end of your post, because even though I don't watch it regularly, TODS called me in and said, "You've got to hear this!" and replayed that exact conversation for me. :-D


eldritchhobbit October 2 2011, 19:04:10 UTC
I loved your conference report! I was so impressed with what they'd accomplished, as a student organization, and in their very first year! Like you, I had a fantastic time. Your terrific presentation most definitely was one of the great highlights of the day.

Thanks a million for checking out the essay! I was very pleased that they put it up for a "sneak peek" this week. I hope you enjoy it. I got a great laugh over the fact TODS played that clip from Fringe for you. Great minds, eh? It was such a terrific scene.

I hope our paths cross in RL again very soon!


cookiefleck October 2 2011, 15:40:52 UTC
Saved the first two eps of the new season and watched them yesterday, finally. We are off to a good start but obviously the best is yet to come!

Glad the conference and your speech were a success.


eldritchhobbit October 2 2011, 19:05:34 UTC
Yay! I'm getting ready to watch the second ep this afternoon. I can't wait to see where they go this season. The first ep had me quite intrigued.

Thank you so much! It was really a terrific experience, and I was so tickled by the turnout/support of the audience for my talk. The other panels/presentations were fascinating, so I got a terrific day-full of HP goodness!


ext_832856 October 14 2011, 11:34:50 UTC
You know, I bailed on Fringe after season one. I've been told I should go back and try again. This convinced me to do it.


eldritchhobbit October 16 2011, 01:42:16 UTC
Oh, this is great to hear! I hope you will give it another chance. It's matured into a truly stunning show, to my way of thinking.

I can't wait to see you soon. I have my costume for the day all ready! ;) Should be lots of fun.


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