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Comments 42

elmwood April 28 2010, 13:31:50 UTC
The new Doctor has got me watching seriously again for the first time for years.


eldritchhobbit May 3 2010, 14:04:32 UTC
Yay! :) I quite like him.


gbsteve April 28 2010, 13:52:23 UTC
Although Pertwee was my first Doctor (Terror of the Autons when I was 5 and terrified by those daffodils), Baker is my favourite. I thought Ecclestone did a great job with the relaunch but I prefer Smith to Tennant.


eldritchhobbit May 3 2010, 14:05:55 UTC
Baker was my first, but I've managed to go back and pick up some Pertwee (and I need to watch more). I also liked McCoy quite a bit. I'm a big fan of Eccleston's Doctor, but I'm really enjoying Smith, too.


internet_sampo April 28 2010, 13:58:41 UTC
This is the first article that I posted to my LJ and sent to my colleagues at work (for me LJ world and academic world are intentionally discreetly discrete)!

Also, the second part of your post has given me the courage to admit that I am actually enjoying the new Doctor Who more than numbers 9 and 10!


eldritchhobbit May 3 2010, 14:06:56 UTC
Three cheers for crossover articles! Our worlds (academia and SF) are colliding. :)

I'm really loving Smith, too. I adored Eccleston's Doctor, but Smith is very compelling.


internet_sampo May 3 2010, 14:35:28 UTC
Oh, so I've found someone else who prefers Eccleston to Tennant?!?!


eldritchhobbit May 3 2010, 14:37:23 UTC
Yes indeed!

I did like Tennant, but I'd choose Eccleston's portrayal any day of the week.


darchildre April 28 2010, 14:05:17 UTC
I'm a little sad that I can't vote for Sylvester McCoy more than once, actually.


primsong April 28 2010, 14:10:44 UTC
Seven is wonderful, I wish he'd had better writers and more episodes... at least he has the audios!


penfold_x April 29 2010, 00:33:33 UTC


eldritchhobbit May 3 2010, 14:07:41 UTC
:) McCoy was awesome.


st_crispins April 28 2010, 14:07:33 UTC
Thanks for the link to the academic working class study. I was one of the respondents.

And no, it wasn't me who cited X-Files :) I don't even think Imentioned MFU.

I was wondering what happened to the study. Now, I think I'll email her for a copy of the results.


eldritchhobbit May 3 2010, 14:09:18 UTC
You're most welcome! It sounds like a fascinating study, and I was really surprised to read that more hasn't been done about this. (My husband fits in the category, as well.) It must've been very interesting to participate in as a respondent.

I'd be fascinated to know more of the results.


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