"breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit"

Jul 01, 2008 09:09

My baby sister Margret (see these posts for more about her) is getting married this weekend, so I'm off to Oklahoma to be the matron of honor in her wedding.

I will be online while I'm away, but I want to go ahead and wish all of you who celebrate it a happy Fourth of July. Also, happy early birthday to archaic_angel; may you have a fantastic day and ( Read more... )

tv, r.i.p., fandom, dystopias, sister, x-files

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Comments 21

scribblerworks July 1 2008, 14:15:01 UTC
A remake of The Prisoner?? (Clutches her DVDs of the original close.) Well, maybe. Caveziel isn't a bad choice, nor McKellan. Still.... not Patrick McGoohan, and that's a big thing to get past.

On other fronts, have fun at the wedding!


eldritchhobbit July 8 2008, 21:23:32 UTC
Yes, I'm with you. The Prisoner is my all-time favorite TV series (ever, ever, ever!), and I look at any possible remake with suspicion. Everyone involved seems to be Not Patrick McGoohan. ;)

I do think it's interesting that much has been made of McGoohan's Catholic faith and theology as one of the inspirations for the series, and now AMC has cast one of the (to my knowledge) few present-day outspoken, highly visible Catholic actors to reprise the role of Number Six. Perhaps I'm reading too much into it, but I do hope McGoohan's hand is somewhere in the creative mix, if only in a purely advisory way.

And thanks for the kind wishes about the wedding! :) It was lovely, and my sister and her new husband were both very happy.


groovekittie July 1 2008, 14:20:14 UTC
OMG! I can't believe he's gone! I'm just so ... shocked. I'll miss Don. I never got the opportunity to meet him, but he sounded like a lovely man. :(

I hope your sister's wedding goes splendidly! :)


eldritchhobbit July 8 2008, 21:25:10 UTC
Thanks for the good wishes for my sister's wedding! It was a total success. :)

I never "met" Don Davis one on one, but I did see him when he appeared at a convention (TrekExpo in Tulsa), and he seemed like a genuine gentleman and true professional. What a sad loss.


shiny_elfriend July 1 2008, 14:39:50 UTC
Enjoy the wedding, my dear. I am sure it will be a wonderful day.

Yes, very sad loss in Ron Davis.


eldritchhobbit July 8 2008, 21:25:59 UTC
Thank you so much! :) It was wonderful to see my sister and her new husband so happy. I think everything went just as they hoped.

And yes, it is a very sad loss. :(


agentxpndble July 1 2008, 14:56:44 UTC
Congrats to your sister!

Hmm... It's hard to grumble about Ian McKellen but I'm still a bit skeptical about this remake... But Ian McKellen is a good start.


eldritchhobbit July 8 2008, 21:27:43 UTC
Thanks so much! OMG, I feel so old. !!!

I agree with you, that the casting could've been much, much worse, but wow, I am skeptical too. Just as an aside, I do think it's interesting that much has been made of McGoohan's Catholic faith and theology as one of the inspirations for the series, and now AMC has cast one of the (to my knowledge) few present-day outspoken, highly visible Catholic actors to reprise the role of Number Six. Perhaps I'm reading too much into it, but I do hope McGoohan's hand is somewhere in the creative mix, if only in a purely advisory way. Still, no matter what they do, the fact It's Not McGoohan will suck like a giant sucking thing.


theladyrose July 1 2008, 17:42:29 UTC
Congratulations to your sister!

Thanks for passing on the news from the Village! As interested as I am in a Prisoner remake, I have to admit I'm going to remain skeptical about such a project coming to fruition until I see previews as rumors have been swirling around for ages. Ian McKellen's an inspired choice for number 2, but I'm not so sure about Cavaziel.


eldritchhobbit July 8 2008, 21:31:13 UTC
Thanks so much for your congrats! Despite the fact that she's now married makes me feel impossibly old (!!!!), I am very happy for her. I think the day went just as she and her new husband had hoped.

I agree about remaining skeptical about the remake. (Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me... Didn't we just hear a year or so ago that Christopher Eccleston would be Number Six in a different production?) Besides, anyone they choose will be Not McGoohan, and this is a problem. I do think it's interesting that McGoohan at the time was (and, of course, still today is) an outspoken, highly visible Catholic, and admitted that this influenced his worldview in a significant way, and now AMC supposedly has cast one of the few outspoken, highly visible Catholic actors around to reprise the role. Hmmm.


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