"You know deep down this guy thinks he's Johnny Cash."

Mar 16, 2008 09:07

Many of my friends are celebrating birthdays today and tommorrow! Happy birthday wishes go out to jasonbsizemore, _snitchbitch, and dannyboy8406, and happy early birthday wishes go out to dracschick and juxiantang. May you all have fantastic days and wonderful years to come ( Read more... )

tv, sf, x-files, man from u.n.c.l.e., publications

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Comments 25

euclase March 16 2008, 14:01:18 UTC
"This guitar just looks like you need a beard to play it."

*giggles* Most excellent. Thanks for that laugh. And congratulations to all (one, two, three!) of you! <3


eldritchhobbit March 16 2008, 23:10:26 UTC
Isn't that Guitar Wars site a hoot?

Thanks so much! :)


nakeisha March 16 2008, 14:20:21 UTC
Congratulations to your husband.

And thank you for the details of the book. I now have it on pre-order with Amazon.co.uk. Congratulations to you after a decade of work, I can quite believe it's very exciting.


eldritchhobbit March 16 2008, 23:12:37 UTC
Thanks so much for the congrats to him, and thanks also for being interested in the book! I must say, I'm anxious to read some of the other chapters. They look really interesting.

I really appreciate your encouragement and support. :)


lovefromgirl March 16 2008, 15:40:17 UTC
Well, shoot. That book just went on my Wish List. :-)

Many, many congratulations to your husband. The new name is delightfully Gothic-sounding, as if I can expect figures to leap from the shadows in order to teach!


eldritchhobbit March 16 2008, 23:13:29 UTC
Aw, thank you so much! :)

He will love that description of the school name. Now that you say it, I can totally see it! Awesome.


st_crispins March 16 2008, 17:26:57 UTC
Yay for our article! The book is finally out. You were a great, angst-free collaborator and I'd do it again in a NY minute. Hope there are other opportunities in the future.

Congrats to husband and his college.

As for the YouTube ---isn't that funny? Today Comcast, tomorrow Entertainment Tonight!


eldritchhobbit March 16 2008, 23:16:41 UTC
I'm so pleased to finally hold the book in my hands. It's real!

It was such a joy to work with you on this! I do hope we get to collaborate on another project in the future. I'd love it.

The video is terrific. I especially love your point about the significance of Illya's nationality, and how the contemporary parallel would be having an Iraqi as a protagonist. That really puts it into perspective. You have a terrific TV voice, to boot! :)


st_crispins March 16 2008, 23:22:37 UTC
Psst ---know what? I hate my voice. I hate to see myself on camera. And I think the stylist put too much blush on my cheeks and made me too pink (she thought I was too pale).

But I'm glad you think I look okay. :)


eldritchhobbit March 18 2008, 11:43:40 UTC
I think you look great! Not too pink at all. ;) And your voice is terrific. Mine sometimes goes high and chipmunk-like in certain microphone/taping conditions, which makes me sound like an elementary school student, but yours is adult and authoritative, and at the same time very pleasant to listen to and easy to understand. Perfect TV voice!


re_animating March 16 2008, 17:48:42 UTC
Congrats to your husband!

The chapter looks like it would be a lot of fun. I just added it to my Wish List. :)

Guitar Wars is just silly! I'm pretty nerdy, but I never would have pondered the idea. LOL


eldritchhobbit March 16 2008, 23:17:49 UTC
Aw, thank you so much! :)

I'd never thought of comparing guitars to the SW characters, either. It totally cracked me up!


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