My messy flist is aaaaalll my fault

Jul 04, 2014 14:45

Today’s XKCD is spot-on. The ability to curate and control your own feed should be essential in any social media platform. LJ/DW has a pretty good system in place although some features aren’t exactly well-used. Tumblr has extensions that a lot people use. Twitter doesn’t have a system as far as I can tell, BUT neither does twitter reorganize your ( Read more... )

site: facebook, site: dreamwidth, site: tumblr, site: twitter, site: livejournal

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Comments 2

fiwen1010 July 4 2014, 23:09:52 UTC
Twitter has lists, and owns Tweetdeck which is great for sorting them and following searches or hashtags.
Facebook is awful for it, but people have so many friends now that it possibly needs to be.


90scartoonman July 21 2014, 03:24:33 UTC
Yet Facebook seems to be the most beneficial to me since it reminds me when my friends' birthdays are.


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