Randoms in Fandoms

Jun 30, 2014 09:07

1. I am doing a bunch of Vietnam War research for my X-Epic. The timeline between First Class and Days of Future Past is messy, yo. (Not to mention the 1940’s research for any XMFC stuff. Charles and Raven probably listened to radio dramas together for at least a year or two. Charles was probably so booored ( Read more... )

fanart, site: tumblr, fandom: x-men, fandom: harry potter

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Comments 1

anglophile09 June 30 2014, 14:18:50 UTC
Accio Brain!! I remember that site! A few years ago, at least, she had some of her stuff from that site on deviantart, but not all of it.

Edit: Found this - http://web.archive.org/web/20130530054857/http://www.acciobrain.ligermagic.com/


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