Happy Fics Roundup II

Aug 19, 2011 16:21

So, when I'm feeling particularly down, I like to ask for prompts for no-pressure fic. It's a fun exercise, and I enjoy writing for prompts, so it all works out in the end. The first time, I organized my fics and edited them slightly before posting them here. I finally organized and named my fics from my second prompt call, and cross-posted them to ( Read more... )

fanfic, outisders, torchwood, fanfiction, harry potter

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Comments 9

ilizze August 21 2011, 00:05:49 UTC
I've read the TW ones before (when we were waiting for Gareth's panel :P) but it was great to read them again . The nostrovite one is funny, and the two Janto ones just leave me feeling all warm and smiling. Just what I wanted to come across today :)


eldarwannabe August 22 2011, 07:09:23 UTC
Hee. I didn't remember what you read then. (You are the only person who has ever seen my Work In Progress file, though. :D)

I'm so glad you enjoyed them on a second read!


hab318princess August 24 2011, 16:58:42 UTC
lovely... thanks for the story, it's lovely

and then I got sucked in by the Outsiders story... it was the first book I ever read in English through school...you captured it beautifully


eldarwannabe August 24 2011, 18:20:30 UTC
You're welcome! Thank you for the prompt. :)

I had short but intense summer of Outsiders fandom, and I still love the book. I read it the first time through school as well! (Small world, huh?) I'm glad you like the fic!


hab318princess August 24 2011, 18:23:15 UTC
I think Outsiders was in the German curriculum (20 odd years ago for me... heck, when did I grow old) ... and JB says he likes it (refers to it in one of his autobiographies), which led me to re-buying it - though I've not re-read it yet


eldarwannabe August 24 2011, 18:35:29 UTC
It's an interesting choice for a curriculum. The language isn't hard, but greasers in 1960's Oklahoma is hardly a typical American community.

John Barrowman likes it? Cool. I've always loved it for the way the boys form a family together, as dysfunctional as it is. Plus, the sharp realism of a world that is recognizable yet so different from my own.

Oh, man. I know I have my copy around here somewhere...


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