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Comments 35

xsilentserenity September 22 2011, 01:50:55 UTC
Oh my...this is absolutely beautiful. Your writing is amazing, the storyline is great, and the descriptions are increasingly wonderful. Thanks for sharing! This is amazing!


drawingintheair September 22 2011, 15:38:15 UTC
Thank you so much! Glad you liked it :)


mochandesu September 22 2011, 02:46:47 UTC
I always love seeing a new story from you; your style is beautiful♥

And I'm not gunna lie, I giggled in an insanely pleased way when Louisville was mentioned :D Horray Kentucky XD


drawingintheair September 22 2011, 15:40:25 UTC
I recently rewatched Elizabeth Town which takes place in Kentucky and Idk if you've seen it but there is this scene where the two leads are "fighting" over how to pronounce Louisville and it just stuck in my mind lol. Are you from Kentucky btw?

Thank you for reading and commenting ♥


mochandesu September 22 2011, 16:18:47 UTC
Actually I haven't seen it, but I've heard its a good movie.
In Louisville, which is full of quirky street shops in the right places, they have a lot of shirts that have all the different pronounciations of Louisville spelled out haha
I am :3 I'm from Somerset though, which has absolutely nothing except Lake Cumberland X3


drawingintheair September 22 2011, 16:32:33 UTC
I definitely recommend it. It's from the same director as Almost Famous (idk if you've seen that one either lol which I recommend even more) but he is a phenomenal director and his soundtracks are amazing.
I spent the summer in Tennessee and I almost went to Kentucky. You saying that makes me wish I would have gone Louisville haha
I've never heard of Lake Cumberland. My knowledge of US lakes expands to the Great Lakes and the only two names I consistently know are Michigan and Eerie xD


the_night_thief September 22 2011, 06:10:44 UTC
Jeeze, this is amazing.
You know, I always turn into the most excited fangirl when I see that you've written something new -- all bright smiles and flailing limbs. An undate from you is like....Halloween and the 4th of July rolled into one. Sugary and full of essplosions. 8D

The storyline is wonderful. I didn't know at first what 'verse you were in -- I do fail dramatically sometimes -- so I totally thought you were writing a college-ish 'verse for a short while before realizing (in that way that I have) "......Oh. Wait. This is the SJ!verse. ...... SJ!VERSE, FTW!"
Your Hyukjae is adorable. Your Donghae is a sweetheart. They're both precious. End of discussion.
And the way Donghae speaks... Not in "ifs", but in "whens" makes me smile. The way he wants to die and be buried shrieks Donghae, and I'm so pleased to see you've captured that essence of him. But it's Hyukjae's that I really love. “I want you to scatter my ashes in our backyard.”
Shisus, that.
That, that, that. <3


drawingintheair September 22 2011, 15:58:39 UTC
That must be quite the holiday/imagines Paul Revere dressed as a vampire and Washington as a ghost

The fail was mine not yours at all. I should have specified from the get go that this was them being in sj but a couple years in the future/facepalms. SJ VERSE FTW indeed. I love au's but nothing beats cannon for me most of the time.
I constantly struggle with Hyukjae. I adore him but he gives me a headache in terms of understanding him. People say Donghae is hard to understand (and while he is) Hyukjae just. Mindfucks me is the only way to put it and not in the sexual way. So I am thrilled you liked him here and that they both felt in character. And yes they are both precious <3

Thank you so much for reading and commenting~


brattygurl2011 September 22 2011, 06:43:30 UTC
I really like your story. How they travel the world together in a beat up trailer and not really knowing where they are going, well Hyuk thought they had a plan which Hae doesn't stick to. I love their frustrations with each other from being together all day everyday. I love how they realize that they are who they are so they have to deal with it like it or not. I love how maybe they postpone their return to Korea because they don't want to face what reality has in store for them. They would rather be with each other and go wherever they feel like going so they can do whatever they want without judgement.

I like how they know they will be together until their last breath because where else would they be.


drawingintheair September 22 2011, 16:15:17 UTC
I'm really glad (and surprised) you pointed out how maybe they want to postpone their return to Korea because they don't want to face reality. That is exactly what I was trying to imply when they decide to keep going south but it's so subtle I thought it might not stand out but I'm glad you picked up on that.

I think when you love someone and you're in a committed relationship, you picture the rest of your life with them. Regardless of whether or not you do, it's hard not to. I wanted to say that without saying it which is why they talk about how they'll bury each other. So where else would they be indeed and I don't think they could see that while they're together.

Thank you for reading and commenting :)


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drawingintheair September 22 2011, 16:19:05 UTC
/flails at your all caps comment

I'm kind of a geography nut but I get that not everyone else is so it's totally okay if you didn't catch the references or didn't know where some of the countries where but I'm that didn't ruin you liking the fic :)

Thank you for reading and for the enthusiastic comment~


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