Title: Hot-air Balloons
Pairing: Yesung/Ryeowook
Genre: Fluff, Slice-of-life
Rating: G
Summary: When Ryeowook has a question, he asks Yesung about it. That fact itself is as puzzling as the question he asks.
[A/N: A request from
mskatness for her birthday. Idek… lol. This is… kind of weird and pointless. But uh… happy birthday, Kat! I hope you like this…
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Comments 4
The ideas about imperfect and perfect thing, and how Yesung weirdly explained it to Ryeowook, and then how it ended far more weird just because it's Yesung xD lol Yeye you big head...
The point is, I like how you write a deep idea with a light atmosphere x)
And Yewook yaaay /o/
Thank you fow writing this!!
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