...has pretty blonde curls. New hair product. (Wish my hair curled...grumble-grump...)
One of the things I like about Dr. Noe is that we seem to be very much on the same wavelength on a lot of topics. It's a pity she doesn't also do general practise, but oh well.
Oh? What's that? You want to know how the medical part of the appointment went?
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Comments 4
I'm so glad that you are on the mend! Huzzah!!
I read about that book in Chatelaine (Canadian women's) magazine. I agree with you 100%. I played with Barbie, pretended to be a princess, and also played with Hot Wheels cars and dump trucks. Often in the same DAY. I turned out all right. I think children should be encouraged to play with and to pretend in whatever way strikes their fancy, and we shouldn't have a complex about it either way. The early years are a time when everything is magic and fun. Let them have that. I still love pretty things and am "girly" in some ways, but am also a smart, competent woman. There's nothing wrong with that at all! Let kids be kids, period.
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