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Comments 24

severuslovesme September 24 2009, 06:31:09 UTC
Wow, I feel you about people posting spoilers. Twitter seems to be the worst - people have been posting whole plotlines/elaborate quotes, etc, as they air. Not gonna lie, it's driving me a little nuts. Have a little consideration, people!


elapses September 24 2009, 06:39:10 UTC
Oh god, TWITTER. At this point I feel like everyone who uses it has learned not to go read twitter until they're all caught up, but it's like people don't even take the time to consider that they might accidentally ruin something for someone else. I know it's not "taboo" to post quotes exactly -- they're pretty commonly used as titles/cut text for reaction posts, but like, is it really necessary to tweet every word that makes you lol? Jokes: actually not as funny if you've already heard them.


severuslovesme September 24 2009, 06:45:10 UTC
Thankfully nothing on Twitter so far has spoiled me - the advantages of being on the East coast and watching things promptly, at least so far. But it still makes me cringe!

I think it should be sort of taboo to post quotes as titles/cuts; I used to do it all the time but various people made good arguments about why it really sucks for people who can't watch an ep immediately! Probably it never will be, oh well, but I want to take back Twitter!

Really, is waiting till the ep has finished airing to post that quote/plot synopsis so much to ask? Jokes are so not as funny once you've read them ten times!


elapses September 24 2009, 06:54:23 UTC
I agree that it should be taboo (ALTHOUGH: oops, I totally used a quote as my title of this entry, so it's crazy hypocritical of me to say that). It's that habit and the posts that are like ( OMG TONIGHT'S HIMYM WAS THE CUTEST THING EVER IT MADE MY WEEK THREE THOUSAND TIMES BETTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ) coupled with an "elated" mood and an icon of Barney and Robin making out: it's so much harder to say "THIS IS NOT OKAY" stop it, even though it is irksome and they do need to think before they post. People are almost always pretty good at the big things, but the little things give it away too?

Anyway, yeah, it's three thousand times more annoying when it happens in the middle of an episode. I get getting overcome with joy and having to post about something right that second, but if the episode hasn't even finished yet, you should just be a little more careful than you would be about where and how you're posting it. People will still click a plain, unbuilt up lj-cut if it's about a show they watch.


book_babe September 24 2009, 06:36:55 UTC
Ummm yes re spoilers. And! I made the mistake of becoming a fan of glee on facebook, and the stupid thing posts like summaries of shit days before the episode. YOU KNOW WHAT I DON'T WHAT? THAT.

i sort of love glee. that's all i've got. i should be homework'ing.

also blake lively is really really pretty, i never fully appreciated that.


elapses September 24 2009, 06:43:01 UTC

IT'S SINGING AND DANCING! That is the bottom line. And yeah girl if you are up this late you SHOULD be homeworking. (HEY I MISS YOU, BTW, I keep meaning to email you but lol laaaaaaaziest. I feel like talking to you less is the biggest consequence of my never-posting habit.)

I KNOOOOOOOOW. Can we talk about how she's gorgeous/has the best smile/is a huge dork/and is basically all around adorable? I GUESS WE KIND OF DID ONCE. But I looooooooooove her omg, I can't think of a celebrity I love much more than Blake. Except Gillian Anderson.


book_babe September 24 2009, 06:46:44 UTC
SINGING AND DANCING AND *GOOD* (LOL LAZY RE BOLD) SINGING, especially now that they're, like, overproducing less or something, idk, but it isn't distracting anymore. (I MISS YOU, TOO. WE SUCK. I agree! :( It makes me sad. We need to work on the talking thing. ♥)

Hee, nice. You're my favorite.


elapses September 24 2009, 06:57:19 UTC
You know everyone keeps saying the overproducing thing and like, idk, it's not that I don't hear it, but... it doesn't bother/distract me at all. I AM TOO CAUGHT UP IN THE MUSICAL MOMENT. Plus, please, universe, have you never seen an MGM musical? Historically these things are the definition of overproduced. I don't care about musical realism!



glassbomb September 24 2009, 12:30:52 UTC
Thank you for bringing this post into my life, Blake is the loveliest person ever.


elapses September 24 2009, 22:09:54 UTC
We all need more Blake in our lives, IT'S JUST FACTS.


goldenmelisande September 24 2009, 17:39:48 UTC
This is my favorite picture of Blake Lively ever, she is such a cutie oh my god.

I've also stopped caring about Will/Emma, kind of. Now that there's more focus on other characters I just lost interest in them as a couple. I still love love love Emma, though, and I like them as friends, and I wouldn't be opposed to them getting together romantically? I just don't want to happen soon and I have so many Terri issues. Speaking of Terri, OH MY GOD POOR QUINN, THAT SCENE IN THE CAR WAS BOTH TERRIFYING AND HILARIOUS. Her EYES oh my GOD.

I think that the Booth-putting-his-arm-around-Brennan-to-turn-on-the-water move was even BETTER and MORE CONTRIVED* than the holding-hands-to-"secure-the-pipe" move.

*using contrived in a very, very positive sense here.

Also if Michelle shows up I will be very :D :D :D because Dana Davis is SOOO GREEEEAT and she's Cam's daaaaaaaaughter and omg Alex, I have so many feelings about this show. SO MANY FEELINGS.



elapses September 24 2009, 22:15:30 UTC
OH MY GOD I KNOW I LOVE THAT ONE. The utter seriousness with which she's playing with the toy doys! She is such a dweeb, I don't get how anyone could not love her.

Ugh I'm not really into Emma/Ken, though, I wish that would end. I MEAN HE SEEMS NICE, but he's also kind of gross and she deserves someone perfect who would love her.

GOD, THE WHOLE THING. They were talking about how close they are now! The whole thing was weirdly domestic! I love everything about Bones.



modernthirst September 24 2009, 18:39:36 UTC
asldkgjalskgfj, I love all the Blake photos you chose!! I'm going through such a phase with her lately (not that I'm not always, just, you know). BEST FACE BEST FACE! (or second best given my allegiances but I sort of don't even rank V anymore so BLAKE CAN BE #1).

I'M NOT THAT INTO GLEE. I feel comfortable telling you this but not comfortable posting about it, because it makes me feel like Scrooge or something. BUT AAH there is something so off about it to me, the only characters I've been able to get into are Sandy and Jane Lynch's character, though I do think Emma is great.


elapses September 24 2009, 22:46:09 UTC
She is pretty much my favorite celebrity to look at pictures of -- because I feel like there are more of those magical, non-generic shots with her? Mostly because of all the grinning, she has so many different smiles and they are hilarious and delightful.

That Scrooge feeling is why it's taken me so long to post about Glee! I wanted to write a whole thing after the second episode but everyone else is so into it and I feel like if there wasn't singing and dancing involved (my kryptonite) I would have already written it off. There's something about the writing that's just not quite right -- it's almost like they're having trouble getting their intent across, because it seems like a lot of things that were written in to make the main characters likable/charming are biting them in the ass. I think Terri's shrewishness was at least partially written in to make us feel for Will but I think it has the opposite effect, and the celibacy plotline made the climatic Finn/Rachel scene seem more hormonally driven than anything. IDK, do you ( ... )


modernthirst September 25 2009, 01:09:53 UTC
because I feel like there are more of those magical, non-generic shots with herTotally agree. So many celebs make the same face in every photo but that's impossible for her ( ... )


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