Fair Warning

Oct 05, 2006 12:14

In the interest of not deluging your LiveJournal experience with things about me you might not want to read, I am once again posting my current list of filters. Also, I've added a lot of folks recently, and they haven't really been given the opportunity to say, "Crap. You write about writing? Count me out on that one!"

Adoption - masahide and I are trying to adopt. This is where I discuss the trials and tribulations of this process. I actually had something to post in this filter last week. So, woo-hoo! Progress.

Dreams - I'm the girl who got a fic idea from a serial dream...so I tend to have lots of wacky technicolor dreams. My personal favorites these days are the RPF dreams based on CW stars... And I record them under this filter.

Exercise - On my last birthday, I made a promise to myself that I was going to get serious about my body image issues. One of the things I can control is exercise, so this is my "keep Branni pumped up" filter.

Fangirl - I squee. Lately, I squee more than I do anything else. I blame the hormones, really. (Seriously. HRT has made my body chemistry normal for the first time since I was probably ten. I have no idea what to do with myself half the time...) But for those with no desire to see the squeeage, I have decided to move it to its own filter.

Geek - I'm a dyed-in-the-wool Geek Girl. But this section is being split between general geekiness (like role-playing, computer stuff, the trackage of spam) versus my fangirly self. Not so sure the boys out there really want to read my daily "Ode to Jensen." Hey, at least that's not as bad as my poem to John Taylor: "I wish I were a ring..." (And if you ask nicely, I'll even finish it for you.) But there are people who probably enjoy the swashbuckling tales of Seraphina Saildancer, the Ettin-Slayer! (How can you not love a heroine whose battle cry is simply: "I will punish you in thigh-high boots!" Or the ever popular "Avast, ye bastards!")

Healing - I am an incest and child abuse survivor. I use this filter to talk about issues I am having or journal exercises I want to record for posterity. I guess the one warning I can give is that I'll always let you know when something is particularly squicky from my POV. OTOH, I also tend to post a lot of these items publically because, well, you never know when the person who needs to see what you wrote will come along to read it - especially if that person is a stranger. I've been working on fear, so many of the posts in this filter relate to that, and was diagnosed as being bipolar a couple of years ago so there's a lot of stuff on that, too. Also, fair warning...

Health - Some can say mine sucks. Since I have to keep track of things that happen between doctor's appointments, I usually tag them in my journal. Yeah, I'm *that* much of an anal-retentive geek. But I understand reading several posts of "PCOS sucks" (a common theme) or "I'm dizzy" (which *can* be considered part of my normal mental condition) might be annoying. This has become the number one filter du jour this year thanks to being diagnosed with the special snowflake cancer.

Local Peeps - This is basically a filter for everyone within driving distance of my house, for things like parties or announcements about "Girls' Night In" as the thought occurs. For obvious reasons, unless I know you live within driving distance, I didn't put you on the filter.

Pagan - I am one. Sadly, I go through phases where I am a bit more scholarly and contemplative than others. This is where I'll post my philosophy, any research I am working on that I think is particularly interesting, or even observations regarding the seasons. Lately, I haven't used this filter much because I've been focusing on other things. Then again, life is a cycle and sometimes you just need to play a little bit...

SCA - I pretend I am other people. A lot. (See role-playing in Geek.) But I am also a card-carrying member of the largest mercenary group in the United States. At least that's how the FBI classifies the SCA. Lately, this has been more about the costuming projects and less about the things I volunteer to do because, well, not volunteering to do so much stuff. Once again, I am trying to step down as a Baronial Officer due to how chemotherapy has been impacting me. (Still waiting on a replacement, sadly.) So if you are curious why people call me Branni, or why I know how to wear a kosode properly, here's where you find out the answers to those oh so critical questions.

Work - I work. A lot. And I get cranky about it. This is where I crank. Admittedly, my crank is often amusing. If you ever wanted to read about the wonders of process design, documentation and analysis - not to mention, the Glory that is Sarbanes-Oxley - then this is the filter for you.

Writing - I write. A lot. This is probably a big "duh." I use this filter to talk about what I am working on (kind of like an online brain dump, as if the rest of this isn't one already), for both the fanfic, my novels and any poems. The finished pieces all get published over on the_lilac_wind. Except for the novels. Which don't seem to get published at all... ;-P But if anyone is interested in reading about An, Barbarian Princess Extraordinaire, let me know. An inspired readership could likewise inspire me.

Writing Discussion - I'm thinking that the Writing filter may go the way of the dodo since I created this one recently. I found that I would much rather discuss the art of writing versus my writing projects, but because of that distinction, I'm keeping both for now.

If there is a particular filter you absolutely *must* be a part of, let me know. Odds are, you're already on it. (I have this weird thing where my friends, even those I only know online, get to see me warts and all. So when I friend you, boys and girls, you get the whole burrito.) Conversely, if you really have no desire to be on a specific filter, no worries from me. There are certain topics, I am certain, many people might not want to read about. That's OK. It's why I came up with filters in the first place, because I know I'm a chatty girl.

As for my public posts? They don't happen so often anymore... But I always try to cut them so they don't take so much space on your friends page...

all about me, journal

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