Okay. If a fic is CLEARLY marked that it is a certain pairing (Jacob/Bella, in this case), and you're anti-Jacob, WHY are you reading the fic? WHY are you commenting afterward saying that you hate Jacob? Because honestly, I don't care.
Here is the review:
Story: Parallels
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Comments 4
U. G. H.
You know I'm on Team Edward; but that's ridiculous. If she's saying (and I haven't read the story she's refering to) that the Bella in this story appears/seems to love the Edward in this story too much for her to sleep with the Jacob of this story, and therefor saying it's not believable in the story, that's one thing. But if she means in general (and she probably does, knowing some of the die hard (twihard) wackos in this fandom) then she needs to get over herself, because this is FICTION. Not only is it fiction, but it's fiction about (get this..) A FICTION. Written by NOT Stephenie Meyer.
I love you and this person is dumb.
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