Title: Bingo
Author: El Kitano
Rating: R for ninja language and ninja violence
Summary: In the time directly following the Uchiha massacre, an ANBU team consisting of Kakashi, Gai, and Tenzou is deployed to search for the missing-nin Itachi Uchiha. Unknown to all but a select few, the mission is really a sham in order to provide cover for Danzou's
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Comments 20
Go write ch1 now. Now. NOW!
I REALLY like your characterizations. Everyone was SPOT ON and I found myself snickering at a lot of the jokes that come much naturally here than in a lot of other fics where there's heavy character interaction. Your descriptions are detailed enough to lay the scene and not confuse the reader, but leave enough to the imagination for me to have some fun with the mystery of the scene, especially a creepy one like a room full of dead people and Root HQ.
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Thanks again for reading!!
The cover art is wonderful.
And the unconcious boy Shikaku drops when he attacks Danzo? That's Sai, isn't it?
While we're on Shikaku-
"With a blind hand he grabbed a towel from the counter. He wiped what he could of the crusted blood from his face and tossed the rag in the trash"
-Towel becomes a rag?
The way Kakashi manipulates people around him is hilarious- nice contrast from the beginning with Shikaku. :)
Shikaku is Itachi's contact? Is that planned?
Ah well, will find out later. Looking forward to the next chapter.
The boy may have been Sai... I like to leave that up to the reader. Maybe you hate appearances by Sai, in which case no--it's not Sai. If you love Sai, sure--it's Sai.
Thanks for pointing out the towel to rag transformation jutsu. As the fic is now, it's in progress. When it's complete it will be posted on fanfic and other places. Thanks again for pointing that out.
I don't want to give away too much!
Thanks again,
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