
Apr 13, 2006 22:29

So, I got myself a new layout again. Or, the layout isn't new cause I've used it a lot of times, but the header is new, and made by me *pets Jensen* Am very satisfied, and all happy. Take a look! el_gilliathOther stuff, am completely obsessing about Prison Break right now. Just saw 1x14, and I'm just in awe. Man, what an episode. And that ending! *dies* Kate ( Read more... )

tv: prison break, actor: jensen ackles, graphics: layout

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Comments 26

ithilmenel April 13 2006, 20:39:22 UTC
Ooooooh, very very yummy header. I like it a lot! :)


el_gilliath April 13 2006, 20:44:06 UTC
I have to agree. I'm usually very satisfied with my own graphics, but I think this is one of my favourites:D


littlespike87 April 13 2006, 20:41:08 UTC
Oh does Jensen look amazing or what *pets him too*


el_gilliath April 13 2006, 20:45:16 UTC
He does! I'm so pleased with this, I'm having a hard time believing I made it myself, lol


littlespike87 April 13 2006, 20:46:15 UTC
Oh hun you are great with graphics...and a Tony iconnnnnnnn


el_gilliath April 13 2006, 20:48:58 UTC
Thank you:) Yeah, a Tony icon everyone must have. And a Gibbs/Tony one for good measures;)


enablelove April 13 2006, 20:47:03 UTC
ooo..me likey!


el_gilliath April 13 2006, 20:49:24 UTC
Thank you, I do too:D


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el_gilliath April 13 2006, 22:41:15 UTC
And lickable! licks


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el_gilliath April 13 2006, 22:56:46 UTC
Hey, you're licking with me! That's gotta be a first *grins* Cutie!


rubyb April 14 2006, 00:57:03 UTC
Omg, so pretteh... *strokes screen*


el_gilliath April 14 2006, 00:59:24 UTC
Yupp, very pretty indeed:D


rubyb April 14 2006, 01:01:30 UTC
And nice icon, I must say... mmmm... ;)


el_gilliath April 14 2006, 01:05:31 UTC
Hehe, the icon is all monticora's doing so sadly I can't take credit for that! But it is very yummy:)


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