
Mar 15, 2006 03:44

New layout! Go check out my Jensen arm!porn:D:D:D

el_gilliath el_gilliath el_gilliath el_gilliath

I know my default icon is popping up, but I don't care. I hate not having a default one and therefore I'm not bothering to change it. Hah. And Jensen Ackles actually was a cheerleader.... *dies*

actor: jensen ackles, obsession: arm!porn, graphics: layout

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Comments 33

sylph_ironlight March 15 2006, 02:51:40 UTC
Uuuuuung. Arm. Jensen arm. *stares*


el_gilliath March 15 2006, 02:53:08 UTC
Would you look at that bicep? Meh, I love my new layout *drools*


jadore_dorff March 15 2006, 03:10:40 UTC
omg. that's flippin' gorgeous.

jensen ... the drool on your pillow isn't always yours."


el_gilliath March 15 2006, 03:22:16 UTC
IIt's almost hard to look at because of the gorgeousness! But that would be a problem in the end, cause you know, it's my lj so I have to look at it. But I keep forgetting what I'm supposed to do...



tallisen March 15 2006, 04:11:10 UTC
Mmmmm loverly! Pretty! Guhhhhhh *drool*


el_gilliath March 15 2006, 13:38:07 UTC
It's the bicep. I just feel like biting him.... *hands you a droolbucket*


neffable March 15 2006, 05:14:24 UTC
Guh! I'm just going to stare at this for a while.


el_gilliath March 15 2006, 13:39:34 UTC
Be my guest, I keep staring at it myself! the lovely arm!porn


thewindcries March 15 2006, 06:18:50 UTC
Wow... he's like naked. Lol. Hawt.


el_gilliath March 15 2006, 13:40:40 UTC
He is:D And he's gorgeous so yay for nekkidness!


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