(tl;dr does not apply, plzkthx)
if I added you
You are not required to add me back; adding you means that I value your opinions/posts/etc., and if your journal isn't Friends Only, I don't particularly mind if you friend me back (though it would be really nice!); the point is that you can read my entries if you so desire.
I realize that I post a lot. Several times a day, if not more, provided I have net access. I likewise realize that not everyone wants to devote their f-page to all my (rather spammy...) entries. I also realize that the detailed RL stuff in here... not everyone wants to hear that.
So, if I add you and don't ask you to add me back, and you're just checking out this journal, you don't have to friend me back unless you want to. (Though I really would like it if you did!)
if you friended me
I shall friend you back! Only, the email notifications on New Friends don't always reach me, so please please do comment to my
Friends-Only post, and I'll be sure to add you back. (provided, of course, you fit the criterion: I know you from RL or an RPG and we talk because of it, or if you can list three, four non-fandom things we have in common) edit considering recent developments, I will not friend you back, unless you do
comment to said FO post. This is nothing personal; it's just everything important.
I love friends! The only reason I'm so picky is I do post a lot of RL stuff that I don't want just anyone to know. But, really, some of my dearest friends (on LJ or otherwise) were originally just random people! *waves at
snarkylightning !!!*
if you want to unfriend me
I won't cry too much, I promise! Chances are I'll keep you friended, unless for some reason I don't like you anymore (unlikely!)
Just, please, comment somewhere first, let me know why! I am loathe to think that I upset you at all!
If it's my multiple posts and only that, and if your journal is FO, I do ask that you add me to a custom group that filters me from your f-page but allows me to still read your entries (unless you don't want me to!), though... because chances are I adore you :)
if I unfriend you
It's because (a) you've offended me or (b) you friended me without getting to know me first and I feel as if it's not worth my time (i.e; you never comment or vote in polls so I don't know that you're so much as reading)
d) I read every journal entry on my f-page, and, provided I have the time, every single thing in my communities (exceptions: badfic. This I do not read.) I expect the same treatment from others. If you're not going to read, don't bother friending. :|
if you have any questions (or if I didn't cover everything)
Just post them! Comments are screened.