Hi! I found your letter on the DYW post, and I felt as though I had to comment because your letter is stalking my brain: I am currently reading Ovid's Metamorphoses in Latin and I am currently playing SMT: Strange Journey.
(I'm not offering either because I haven't beaten the game yet -- still in Fornax! -- and I haven't read that part of Ovid, but I want to compliment you on your astonishingly good fandom taste.)
Thank you! I'm glad someone else finds my requests a little interesting. I always worry that I'm going to be That Person in Yuletide who's asking for a bridge too far.
Also from DYW. As someone else who worries about being That Person, I think your requests are fascinating: I didn't offer the Ovid (I considered it, but on reflection I decided I couldn't do it justice), but I hope someone writes it, because it's a fantastic request.
Comments 3
(I'm not offering either because I haven't beaten the game yet -- still in Fornax! -- and I haven't read that part of Ovid, but I want to compliment you on your astonishingly good fandom taste.)
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