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Comments 4

miss_warina December 4 2011, 20:46:13 UTC
That picture is so beautiful!! Where did you find it? =D
You made it?


eirenical December 4 2011, 21:20:53 UTC
Oh, goodness, no. I'm not that talented. ;) It is gorgeous, though, isn't it? I don't have the link on me, but I'll look it up for you when I get home. ^_^

Edit: Here's the link to the specific post the banner is on. Enjoy!



redjacket March 24 2012, 03:24:31 UTC
Toronto based big time theatre fan...kind of getting into Hair fic. I know I'm really late to the party. Anyway, just on a fic and tag basis, you like the same kind of stuff I do.


eirenical March 26 2012, 02:08:03 UTC
You're never too late for that particular party! ^_^ I may have slowed down, but I'm still writing Hair fic and another theatre fan is always welcome... especially since I'm currently enjoying the hell out of our recent import from you guys. ^_^ *cuddles on her JCS*


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