"Friends, i want to know more about you" MEME

Dec 30, 2010 22:05

 Got this from Olivia - colourful_light

Friends, if you have time... come & do it. I would like to know more about you. :)

01) Are you currently in a serious relationship?
02) What was your dream growing up?
03) What talent do you wish you had?
04) If I bought you a drink what would it be?
05) Favorite vegetable?
06) What was the last book you read?
07) What ( Read more... )


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Comments 22

cnidaria_jin December 30 2010, 14:35:51 UTC
Nak jawablah :D Here
... )


eirazm December 30 2010, 15:02:40 UTC
yeay! DD jawab. :) was lol-ing at some answers. haha

2. You're going to be one. All the best future sensei!
3. i can play piano. but not that good. jom wat concert with tat-chan!
5. wahhh traditional! ulam eh. :) eira tak reti sgt mkn ulam.
9. it's normal to stutters when we're nervous. or in my case.... speaking too fast when i'm nervous. hehe
13. let's sing kt song! hmmmm i should bring the lyrics as well... in case we did stuck in elevator. haha
15. really? wow. can i see that when it happen? hehe. i do monolog with my head... but usually senyap2 & then i would make weird expression depending on the conversation. :S
17. will hug you back! XD
18. nice eh. haha thank you. :) you're very nice too. <3<3<3 ( ... )


cnidaria_jin December 30 2010, 15:11:49 UTC

2. Insyaalah :)
3. Boleh2, kita bertriplet ngan tat-chan? XDD
5. Bukan semua ulam la, yg x pahit sangat i suka la :))
9. I do that too XD Ckp cepat sampai org tak faham! Tp kalau ckp slow, nanti hilang suma idea yg nak ckp XD
13. Haha, kita nyanyi lagu2 yg kita hafal la XD
15. Lol i pon tak tau la since dia mcm tindakan luar sedar? Contohnya if i bebel kat diri sendiri, then i let it out until org ingat i marah kat sapa2 XD Very dangerous kan? XD
17. hugs you forever :D
19. betul2. lagi satu kalau org pakai costume gorilla yg besar gila! huaaaaaaa, takuttt! i akan lari jauh2!!!
20. Huhu, selalunya waktu i period! Masa kat hostel dulu selalu la jugak but now Alhamdulillah la dah jarang ^^ (kongsi cerita?!..idea yg best tuh XD)
34. Kalau sambal udang petai, dgn udang2 tu i x makan! haha XD bau dia serious kuat! Sgt x suka XD

Sama2 kasih XDDD

... )


eirazm December 30 2010, 15:18:52 UTC
true2. bila cakap slow2 langsung hilang sume yg nk ckp. :)
ahahaha. agak lah. nt org lain plak yg terasa sedangkn u marah diri sendiri kn...
kongsi crite is always fun! :D i hope one day in future we could meet. :)


colourful_light December 30 2010, 15:14:24 UTC
You already posted this. OK! Let's start ( ... )


eirazm December 30 2010, 15:27:34 UTC
yup. it seems we have quite a lot in common. :)

3. (my drawing skills are pretty much like Kame's) ahahaha. that should speak of my skill as well. XD

9. being lazy is somehow fun even when you know it's not good. :S

13. let's do just that. we're gonna have fun together in elevator. *it rhyme.XD*

15. wow. very hygienic of you. :) but it's good too. do u use sanitizer? as for me... i really hate it when my feet got dirty. it's annoying.

18. thank you. :)

20. u wanna gain weight? i wanna lose weight. i can give u some of my fats. haha XD

31. agreed with you. i don't like it too. & it's not nice to do it anyway... unless u really can't help it...

32. darling, that's 2 words already! XD huhu. but yup you're nice & lovable! :)



gachps_a December 30 2010, 15:16:39 UTC
01) Are you currently in a serious relationship ( ... )


gachps_a December 30 2010, 15:17:10 UTC
Ops, for some reason LJ messed up my comment. Oh well.


eirazm December 30 2010, 15:42:44 UTC
thanks ana for answering this! :D

2. astronomer & vet eh. nice one! :)
3. i can see that u love languages ne? :) it's interesting to learn languages as well. :)
8. wow. that's definitely a lot of piercing! XD
9. i do it too... like everyday. :)
12. Pessimistic. I like to be surprised when the things actually work. ur pov in this is interesting. i never really thought bout it that way... i'm more on the optimistic side.
15. ohh. how bad is ur ocd?
16. u remind me of koki having too many pets. :)
29. definitely agree with you. fandom wins. :)
35. no problem. different people have different view on this. :)

thanks again! :)


gachps_a December 30 2010, 16:18:15 UTC
12 - It's safer this way. Like, if something bad happen you're already prepared, and if it turns to be good, you'll be surprised. XD
15 - I can live with it, but sometimes it's annoying, even for myself.

You're welcome. ♥


gagulan December 30 2010, 16:16:09 UTC
01) Are you currently in a serious relationship ( ... )


eirazm December 30 2010, 16:34:00 UTC
thanks for answering this numix-chan!

2. interesting. to be a director ne... :)
9. definitely love this one. i'm one too. XD
10. walking together seems fun. :) i'm imagining like "walking back home from school while gossiping about kat-tun." :)
15. understand what u mean by this. :) doesn't need big things to impress us. small things could make us excited like school kids. ^^
20. i need to exercise too. ^^ but super lazy. =.="
21. sure! now i know someone who will bail me out... since my dad won't. XD
25. i'm thinking of the same things too.
32. lol. XD

thanks again! :)


gagulan December 31 2010, 16:55:16 UTC
You are welcome~ I did it for you only~
You change your LJ look~

2. I know but somehow I dun hav da capability to do that~
9. I need to change to be super Rajin~ ^^v
10. Gossips about KAT-TUN non-stop!!! I like that!
15. I know!!! I super excited!
20. I understand~ *nod2* -.-;
21. Dun worry! Just call me~
25. I think that is the 1st thing I will do if I got that much money~
32. Hehehe~


eirazm December 31 2010, 17:32:05 UTC
*a big hug for you* thanks a lot dear.

Happy new year! may 2011 brings you happiness & success always. :)

yup i changed the layout. :)


ikuta_kumiko December 31 2010, 14:25:42 UTC
wanna do it too ( ... )


eirazm December 31 2010, 17:21:43 UTC
yeay! thanks for answering! :)

3. i love ur answer. i never thought of it of a talent. but if we could have it... we could play/fangirling 24/7 but still score in our study ne. XD
9. darling...it's not a bad habit. LOL. *in denial*
13. i'd love to fangirling with you. :)
17. choc chip! yeay!
18. i'm always excited when i see malaysian kat-tun fans as well. ;)
27. KLCC? i'm doing my practical in klcc. ^^
29. you really do like to cook/bake ne? awesome!

thanks a lot kumiko-chan! :)


ikuta_kumiko January 1 2011, 00:11:01 UTC
3)my cousin got tht talent..she's an anime otaku n always scores for her exams~~n that thing never happened to me during my studies..really big huhu
9)it's not??thanks!!XD
27)i work in klcc n klcc is the most convenience place to hang out~~ =) maybe we can meet up someday??hee..
29)it makes my stress go away~~

douitta!! =)


eirazm January 1 2011, 05:58:03 UTC
you work in klcc to? where where? yup...maybe one day we could meet up. but i'm shy... ;)


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