Impervious Imps. And elfs.

Oct 14, 2007 10:20's word of the day is impervious. Hands up if that makes you giggle maniacally. I think this calls for celebratory TWW watching.

Three weeks, two days. I'm obsessed with baby clothes shopping. And there's this Dutch baby clothes brand Imps and Elfs. IMPS. AND ELFS! MY LITTLE NEPHEW IS CLEARLY AN IMP. POSSIBLY ELF. THOUGH I LEAN ( Read more... )

sga, house

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Comments 19

julester1 October 14 2007, 11:12:35 UTC
Celebratory TWW WATCHING!!! It should always be a thing. [hey, see what I did there ( ... )


einhorn_13 October 14 2007, 11:21:24 UTC
Haha, I do see. And it should be a Sunday thing. Definitely. Hmm, Noel? Shadow of Two Gunmen? Or maybe The War at Home in honor of impervious day ( ... )


julester1 October 14 2007, 11:36:27 UTC
Hee, I would have been disappointed if you didn't! The War At Home! Because not too much angst tonight, I think ( ... )


einhorn_13 October 14 2007, 11:51:20 UTC
Or I could just watch the kissing? Because that wouldn't be depressing ( ... )


ez_as_pi October 14 2007, 14:34:55 UTC
Did you see right before Rodney brought in the flowers, there was a picture of Jack in Sam's stuff? I may, possibly, have made a squee-like noise. And in the premiere, when whats his name congratulated her, she looked shocked, then when he said 'for the promotion' she was all... oh yeah, thanks.

I think we're gonna get teased all season long... somethings up....

And on FNL, I completely agree, it's like a different show with a few glimpses only left. I did love when Coach told the board they needed that year to get the ego or whatever out of the kid.


einhorn_13 October 14 2007, 18:55:37 UTC
Hi :)

I totally didn't see that. Now, of course, I went back and watched it half a million times. Oh *sigh*. But it looks like it's a young picture of Jack - what's up with that? But yes, fuel for my theory. Atlantis booty calls? Please? Heee. Much squeeing. He, yes, please, let's read a lot into that Oh yeah thanks :O)

Ah, I can't take it! Stargate is so evil that way. Eh, guess we can call ourselves lucky that Daniel and Vala sort of got a happy ending.

Oh, FNL was such a surprise hit. I really hope they'll find back to that magic eventually. Maybe when the Coach is coaching the Panthers again? And yes, that scene at the board hearing? I want lots of that coach, NOW :)


ez_as_pi October 16 2007, 12:48:27 UTC
Atlantis booty calls?

Oh, I'm so down with that!

I think Coach will be back with the boys soon, and Mrs. Coach really needs him!

"clear eyes, full heart, can't lose!" :D (yes, I'm a geek)


hollywoodgrrl October 14 2007, 16:13:52 UTC
Oi. Your Pushing Daisies summary is ace. Completely spot on, that one. And I totally agree about how the second episode is better than the first. Too cute. Too cute!!!!!!!! (I just rewatched Amelie, so I'm even more squeeful towards it.)

And you know what Joe Mallozzi needs? Ron D. Moore's balls. WOOOOOORD! Except it'll never happen. Stargate run on a formula that they know. They don't wanna shake things up like that. They are fine with tiny tremors as opposed to the massive earthquakes that BSG works with. I WISH SGA WOULD BE LIKE BSG. But it'll never happen. SO I'm thankful for tiny moments of awesome that creep in now and again and surprise me because my expectations for the show are so low. And Reunion was one of these. I was VERY satisfied by the way that Carter was received in Atlantis, and her awesome stand-off with Ronon. I dunno, I also loved how she's the epitome of the military and playing it by the rules, so it's great when they were all used to Elizabeth and her politics. It all surprised me. And to have John be at all ( ... )


einhorn_13 October 14 2007, 18:14:43 UTC
Heee, thank you :) Oh seriously, I loved it so much. It's just the best thing on TV right now. Yes, pretty much like counting your money in the bubblebath (except in my case, that would be depressing. Money? I don't know what that means. And I don't actually have a bathtub.) Eeee, that reminds me, I need to watch Amelie again. Guh, it does things to my brain. It hardwires it so that I smile for an entire week. Which is just crazy. It might be because I have a longstanding, deep and true passion for my one true love Mathieu Kassovitz. There is just too much I love about that man. I mean, he's a writer, a director and (a really really really cute) actor. I knew his work way before Amelie and pretty much wanted to marry him since I read and saw La Haine/ Hate. Have you seen it? Because I think you should have seen it. And then you'll want to have his babies ( ... )


o_tempora October 14 2007, 22:52:47 UTC
... Those are the most adorable baby clothes ever. Eee, so exciting.

I second the CRAZED ANGER/DISAPPOINTMENT/GENERAL CAPSLOCK about FNL. Saddd. And House (even if Olivia Wilde is hot interesting).


hollywoodgrrl October 15 2007, 02:53:57 UTC
I knew his work way before Amelie and pretty much wanted to marry him since I read and saw La Haine/ Hate. Have you seen it? Because I think you should have seen it. And then you'll want to have his babies.
Hee. Well I haven't seen that one, I'll find it on the interwes. ;) But I did love him in Birthday Girl. He was Russian! :D Anyway, Nino. I need to find me my Nino. *sigh*

BSG dvds are still not out, those bastards. Grr.

JM is such a boy. Boys don't remember to put those things in. *headdesk* But still, I miss my Lizabeth so much. And the way Carter crossed her arms? That was so Elizabeth like. NOT ON MY BALCONY!Dude, this is why Lizabeth's gone and Carter remains. She's a woman written by boys, who don't know how to write a real woman like Lizabeth. Seriously, I've read interviews with Torri Higginson when she basically said this. *shrug* And I also wanna like Carter here, because I did like her on SG-1 but man, she is such a Mary Sue compared to Weir. And you just WAIT till next week's eppy. She gonna do a Weir-like speech. :P ( ... )


hollywoodgrrl October 15 2007, 02:54:45 UTC
Oops, I accidentally made a new comment. Eeps.


einhorn_13 October 22 2007, 18:55:27 UTC
You absolutely do! I think you just might love it! We read the book/script in French class and it's absolutely amazing. Dark and dirty and twisty and political and really, it blows your brain out. You wouldn't think he'd be capable of this sort of the, seeing as how he plays the most adorable Nino in Amelie. I second the request for a Nino of my own. Scrapbooks included ( ... )


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