Carry Your World :: A Buffy Summers Fanmix

Jul 03, 2014 14:50

About a month ago I promised to make red-satin-doll a proper Buffy fanmix with art and everything, and here it is. It turns out I had twice as many songs as I needed, so there might be a second volume of this coming out. I could have separated the songs with one album being angsty and one being empowering, but instead I mixed it up (mostly because I'm too lazy ( Read more... )

fanmix, fanmix: carry your world, character: buffy summers

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Comments 18

red_satin_doll July 6 2014, 02:36:03 UTC
OH MY STARS Lexi! You weren't kidding sweetie, THANK YOU so much! I'm honored by your gift (I can't imagine how much time you must have put into it.) I can't wait to give it a proper listen but I love the songlist and your artwork for it is GORGEOUS. Wonderful image to chose - if this is an example of your work, then I can't wait to see what you do for the20in20.

I love the colors, the soft glow, the watercolor quality of it, and the bars you've got the text on. It looks so simple and unobtrusive but wow did you really color match those bars. (How did you do those? I assume it' a gimp thing.)

I noticed you haven't signed your artwork btw - you should totally sign and date it IMO.

And I don't mind that the moods of the songs are mixed rather than separated, in fact I usually prefer that to everything being the same mood.

You've got the most generous heart, you know that don't you?


eilowyn July 7 2014, 19:34:50 UTC
I think I have an open tab somewhere with my half-written reply to you, but it's lost among all the open fan fiction tabs. Fanmixes were the first fan works I thought I was actually good at, and I mostly just copied whatever nvrbnkisst was doing, because she is the fanmix queen. I have several open playlists for characters or couples, and then I pull maybe 12-17 songs from that playlist to make a specific mix with a title and everything. Then I listen to the mix non-stop while driving, come home and adjust the mix until I'm happy with it. It's getting around to doing the art and formatting the songs that takes the longest time!

I'm afraid I'm going to have to back out of this round of BtVSAts20in20. I'm completely off the medicine that made me gain weight (and I've lost twelve pounds so far!), but I'm going back on another medicine and until everything is at an even keel I'm kind of out of whack.

I used my google-fu and found this discussion of GIMP Mavericks issues (it isn't related to this comment but somewhere you mentioned GIMP and ( ... )


red_satin_doll July 7 2014, 20:12:28 UTC
This is only the second playlist anyone has ever made for me! This first one was a mix cd from someone who I was flirting with - I listened to the Cd and realized she wanted to be my lover. *ahem*

I have no such concerns here thankfully! Just pure friendship, always of the good. I've never done something like this myself, so it's no small feat, I'm just super-impressed and flattered Lexi. This is thoughtfulness at its finest!

And that was helpful - switch off keyboard shortcuts in the Gimp menu I'll try that thanks!


red_satin_doll July 7 2014, 17:59:21 UTC
BTW hon, I'm listening to it rather than downloading - because Mac's new OS Mavericks is compatible with nothing, apparently *grr* and some of these songs are just WHOA, so Buffy every step of the way. *hugs my girls*

ETA: I'm wondering if there's a way to get this into itunes, album art included.


eilowyn July 7 2014, 19:24:23 UTC
Um, if you download the zip file, you can open the folder all the songs are in and then load them into iTunes with the album art. You might want to download The Unarchiver, it's what I use to unzip zip and rar files. But I'm glad the listening link is getting some action!


red_satin_doll July 7 2014, 19:30:59 UTC
I've listened to it three straight times today! LOVING it!

ETA: I'll try it later because when I try to download it Mackeeper or other things pop up and I have to be careful about downloading any software to this computer (it really belongs to my sweetie so I have to answer to her for anything that shows up.) Or maybe it's the Mavericks incompatibility issue again. I'll try it on the other partition.


kwritten July 9 2014, 14:40:21 UTC
my heart is a fanmix


lokifan July 11 2014, 06:48:58 UTC
Gorgeous art! *downloads*


only_more_love August 5 2015, 15:12:46 UTC
Thank you for sharing this beautiful fanmix! I'm listening to it on 8tracks right now.


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