A Vindication of the Rights of Shippers (and fans in general)

Mar 20, 2014 23:50

This was originally a comment on Red_satin_doll's journal, but I decided to expand on it a little bit ( Read more... )

fan theory, fandom, thinky thoughts, meta? is this meta?

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eilowyn March 22 2014, 03:08:20 UTC
Willow's a fascinating character. She may not be my favorite, but objectively I have to admit that her story arc is amazing. It's when we judge people by their favorites that we get into problems.


shapinglight March 21 2014, 10:40:11 UTC
I think really all it boils down to is live and let live. Unfortunately, fandom being the hothouse it is, that often doesn't work. People are just too ready to jump to judgement of others' preferences.

'Shipping has existed in fandom since fandom was invented (and I have no idea when that was), and always will. It does get a bad press, but it's certainly not just 'shippers who are guilty of the abovementioned lack of tolerance.


eilowyn March 22 2014, 03:12:37 UTC
Shippers do get a bad rap. And I wish we could all just live and let live. I know in the past I've been brash and mouthy when it comes to what I like and dislike, but I've come to realize that it's just added stress to get worked up over those things. That doesn't mean I'm never going to get mouthy again; I'm human and a very passionate person. But it's worth trying to be that way.


shapinglight March 22 2014, 10:25:44 UTC
Yeah, I think with this whole conversation a big, deep calming breath is needed on all sides.

ETA: Also, you might want to consider locking this thread.


sueworld2003 March 21 2014, 12:18:24 UTC

Exactly. Is it all right to link to this?


eilowyn March 21 2014, 19:20:03 UTC


shipperx March 21 2014, 14:14:36 UTC
What bothers me is when people dismiss shippers as all being "problematic" or "troublesome" or "the reason why fandom is so terrible."

I always want these people to explain how and why these fans are any less legitimate than the ones who obsess over other aspects? Seriously, why is focusing on a fictional relationship any less legit than trying to figure out a convoluted (made-on-the-fly) fictional mythology? Or strategy in a fictional war? Or the "rules" of magic, souling, whatever? Or hyper-obsessing over friends at fifteen needing to be the only signficant people in your whole LIFE. Or how the entirity of life is 'just like high school' or what fictional 'plan' the Cylons "really" have?

All of these are focus on some --usually quite small -- area of particular interest to one individual. So why exactly are the ones who focus on the relationship dynamics of a couple of issues any less 'legitimate' than any of the other fans?


eilowyn March 22 2014, 03:12:58 UTC


red_satin_doll March 21 2014, 14:59:07 UTC
Thanks for linking to me sweetie! I already responded to both you and Kelsey on the thread over there: http://red-satin-doll.livejournal.com/36749.html#comments


eilowyn March 25 2014, 21:47:27 UTC
Thanks for all your input over at your journal!


red_satin_doll March 25 2014, 23:29:43 UTC
You still love me anyway, right? :)

I admit I have no idea what the heckity-heck is going on except: Sarah outed herself as a Bangel, shippers of every stripe went a little nuts and starting into the "those people are crazy" thing they do; then apparently - the anti-shipper crowd came out (like the person who responded here no names mentioned) and the battle lines shifted again so now the shippers are all "we love one another hold hands kumbaya?"

Or - something like that? And we wonder why there's no peace in the middle east - I suspect the human animal isn't entirely happy unless there is an enemy to rally around.


eilowyn March 26 2014, 16:37:58 UTC
Nothing unites people more than a common enemy - that's why shippers are in kumbaya kissy-face mode (that was an expression the love of my life when I was eighteen used to say, btw). It's kind of funny in its predictability.


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