Yarn!chester Scene Challenge #25

Aug 18, 2009 00:23

(Twenty-five? Really? I can't tell if I feel like I've done lots more or lots fewer of these!)

Yesterday's challenge was a bit difficult, as I anticipated. Poor Sammy does get tied up an awful lot, and I didn't give you much to go on. The only real clue was that he was secured with silver tape. a_starfish correctly identified the scene as from "Bad Day at Black Rock". I'm sure it'd have been easier if I said that Sam was missing a shoe. :D

The tape was actually made from silver ribbon and silver tissue paper. Heh. Click the cut for a comparison.

This scene...

was inspired by this one...

I suppose I could have somehow bloodied ami!Sam's nose, but... no. Also, I so totally meant to flip the yarn!chester picture before posting it so that ami!Sam was facing stage right (house left) like the real Sam is, but clearly forgot. Oops.

Today you get one of my very favoritest scene challenges so far. (I'm ridiculously, absurdly proud of this one.)

(I really need a *table* for my Yarn!chesters. The "table" Sam is sitting at is the same "counter" Bobby had in front of him in the scene from "Sex and Violence." It's actually neither-- when facing the other direction and on its other end, it's a stereo for Barbie-sized dolls.)

TOMORROW (Wednesday), instead of a scene challenge, I will show you ami!Mary. :) She's finished. I'm not ... 100% happy with her, but I'd say I'm solidly 85% happy. Heh.

Thursday you'll get a very easy scene challenge.

Friday... I have no idea what Friday holds. So we'd best hope that Thursday holds some inspiration. :) (I'm also probably watching some SPN with flurije and A. on Wednesday and that might help.)

Unfortunately, classes start all proper-like on Monday the 24th, so there'll be a new and different schedule of Scene Challenges then.

crochet, pictures, supernatural, y!c_scenes, yarn!chesters, crafts

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