CRAP! Dinner is ON FIRE

May 27, 2009 19:44


Look, I"m a lousy cook, mainly because I'm just not interested. So I stupidly left a wok with some oil in it on the stove because I was waiting for water to boil. I decided to check if I had email before returning to the stove and got caught up in a response to a comment I'd posted regarding someone's SPN meta on Sam's character in season 4 of SPN. As I'm typing, I hear a WOOMF!!! and turn around to find that the wok is on fire. Well, fortunately just the oil in the wok, of which there was only a tablespoon.

I had the presence of mind to remember not to put water on an oil fire, but beyond that wasn't sure what to do. I mean, I turned off the stove, obviously. And then opened all the windows because smoke was filling the apartment. The fire went out relatively quickly (see above re: 1 tbsp oil). It took me a little longer to figure out how to turn off the smoke detector because I've never had to before, having never actually caused a kitchen fire before this.

The detector continues to give irritated (and irritating) little chirps.

My dinner cannot now be cooked because I'm pretty sure my wok is destroyed. Fuck. And the smoke is taking a very long time to air out, despite the hugely opened window and the blowing fan. Some of this is perception, however, because I've just discovered that the smoke put some smears on my glasses, too. Ahh, yes, things aren't *quite* so bad post-lens-cleaning.

::Sigh:: And also, ::facepalm::

Mostly, I'm amused. (And hungry.) No, I can't afford a new wok, so that sucks. But I'm 29 years old and this is the first fire I've caused. And I think, since I did not panic, I handled it okay. Yes, it was stupid of me to walk away from a stove which was turned on, lesson learned. No major harm done (except to the wok).

So, uh, now I'm going to try (again) to make dinner, only this time without setting anything on fire. Wish me luck. :)

apartment, food

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