Title: Following the Sea Breeze
Characters: Zoro, Nami, Usopp, Sanji, mentions of other Strawhats & various others
Pairings: Brook/music, Luffy/adventure
Rating: G?
...yeah. A sequel to
That. Fic. Um...
naye read it and said: “Now I'm all... Must. Fix. Them
Read more... )
Comments 28
For most of his life Zoro had been an unquestioning atheist; as he grew older, and those irrevocable goodbyes became more numerous, he hoped, as he never had before, that he was wrong on that count.
Zoro doesn't worship any gods but he does believe in the afterlife. Not only did he say after they'd descended from Skypiea, "We'll get there again when we die - or close, anyway", but the very goal he's striving for is to become the best swordsman in the world "SO GREAT MY NAME WILL REACH HER UP IN HEAVEN!"
Zoro doesn't worship any gods but he does believe in the afterlife. Not only did he say after they'd descended from Skypiea, "We'll get there again when we die - or close, anyway", but the very goal he's striving for is to become the best swordsman in the world "SO GREAT MY NAME WILL REACH HER UP IN HEAVEN!"
XD oh yeah! ^^ ...see and that says "agnostic" to me ^^; *should not have listened to the wiki that said he was "atheist" XP
It's so good though...you captured everyone so well. It's really sad how Luffy went first but they'd never ever forget him <3 And he still influences them so well (heck, that would stand true for anyone who has ever met Luffy!)
The last part where they sang Binkusu no Sake was beautiful~~ So sweet and sad <3
I liked the idea that Brook settled in Cocoyashi. It's sweet that Nami would look after him with her grand-nieces ~~
It wasn't evil enough of me to write that, I had to write a sequel. Because. You know. Killing Luffy and Chopper and Franky and Robin just wasn't horrible enough - I had to get Brook and Ace too! ...-__-;
(heck, that would stand true for anyone who has ever met Luffy!)
unforgettable Luffy &hearts
Binkusu no Sake is this super light cheerful happy melody with the most bittersweet lyrics ever! Ever!
And it's...beautiful, but the lyrics don't match the music and it's...funny and weird at the same time? In any case, that song was definitely in my mind when I wrote both fic.
liked the idea that Brook settled in Cocoyashi. It's sweet that Nami would look after him with her grand-nieces ~~
Nakama love ftw! &hearts Oretachi wa FAMILY!
You killed Ace! I was in shock when I read that bit. Poor Ace ~~
I agree with the lyrics thing. The tune sounds so happy and bright yet the lyrics are just sad. I mean, It's got a happy ring to it, kind of like an 'always look forward' kinda thing, but it's still depressing ~~
lol - yes, I finished Farewell and then I realized that I...killed Luffy...and didn't kill Ace and oops I'm playing favourites ^^
So this time I send him to be with his brother XP
Poor Brook, no music at his funeral - in a way.
Well...it starts off there's no music. And then they sing, so - music! Sad, happy, bittersweet nakama music. &hearts
The thought that the adventure continues... I love that. A lot. The hope and light and music in this - and then Luffy, laughing. It's gonna be alright.
You did make it better! *hugs*
Nakama LOVE! &hearts
and then Luffy, laughing.
Yay for making it better! :D
Love how Luffy will always be captain. Nobody can replace him *hearts*
I'm sure Ace was smiling when he passed on...he was going to see his little bro after all *hearts*
(stick Luffy somewhere long enough and there will be party &hearts)
I'm sure Ace was smiling when he passed on
d'aww, yeah probably
It ws so beautifully written that I could actually picture the entire story. I was really touched by it. the thought alone that luffy's already gone.. I don't know it pulled my heart strings, and the others already having followed him.
Seriously this is beautifull. You don't cease to move emotions in me and keep me this well contained in a story.
*is evil writing muffin*
I'm glad you liked it! It...yeah, I killed Luffy o_O Brain wut?!
But your comments make me happy! :)
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