From The New York Times

Aug 20, 2018 12:41

The Slippery Slope of Complicity
When was the last time centrist talking heads declared, “Donald Trump just became president” (because he bombed someone, or something like that)? I think it’s been more than a year. At this point, you have to be a truly fanatical practitioner of bothsidesism not to see that Trump is every bit as terrible a human ( Read more... )

voters, mid-term election. democracy, vote, 45

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Comments 8

nblanchard70 August 21 2018, 21:48:24 UTC

Hi Eileen ---

My sentiments exactly!!! Thank you, thank you for being such an incredible advocate for all of our rights!!!

Huge Hugs!

Nicole ❤


eileen_donovan August 22 2018, 09:09:38 UTC
Hi, Nicole!

I'm glad you agree. I sometimes feel like I'm not getting through to the people who need to understand this message. It's like the same folks who didn't vote in 2016 or voted for some third-party candidate. Not good, folks! But I don't know if they get it. I hope so. This is so incredibly important. This is our country and we have to stand up and take it back!

I hope you're doing well. :)

Much love,



kinwad August 22 2018, 16:02:12 UTC
All we can do is hope and pray that the House gets a majority. At least then, if needed, they can start impeachment hearings if warranted. *sigh*


eileen_donovan August 23 2018, 07:36:35 UTC
After yesterday, I actually believe the Senate might conduct an impeachment hearing! Hey, anything's possible. I do think there's a lot going on in the background that we don't know about. Keeping my fingers crossed!


calliesky September 1 2018, 16:32:12 UTC
I’m not surprised. I knew it would get this bad. There are days when I’m just so scared for for this country. I hear people still supporting this person (I refuse to give him a title he doesn’t deserve and will never live up to) and think they are all the Deb to Trumps Michael 😏 it keeps me from crying. My mom actually voted for him. It’s caused a rift in our relationship. Last night when I asked her if she still thought she did the right thing, her come back was “At least he’s not Clinton.” I just cant look at her as a sane person any more. I mean she voted for Obama!
I know to many people who figured Trump was such a joke, why bother to vote? No sane person would really vote for him.......

I’ve voted in every election since I turned 18.

It matters


eileen_donovan September 2 2018, 21:47:41 UTC
I'm sorry about your mom because I know that's hard. It's amazing how many people have bought into the false stories about Clinton. No, she isn't perfect, but the list of so-called "crimes" she supposedly committed is insane. This really helps me understand what the Internet has helped create. Tell a story often enough and it gains credibility. 45, of course, is the master of this! It's crazy that people are buying into what he's selling.

No one can afford to sit this one out. I hope you'll tell anyone you know who thinks it's useless that our democracy depends on their vote like never before!

Thanks, hon! :)


calliesky September 4 2018, 01:19:36 UTC
I’ve registered On my way! My friend and put voter registration forms in my shop. I do what I can

The think the thing with my mom is she retired to Oklahoma (where she grew up) after living in California for 40 years. It’s like she has no mind of her own and just goes along with what the old school friends that never left their home town are spouting. Makes me sad that she has become a blind follower. Never questioning.

Last time I was there and challenged these people, they just wrote me off as a liberal nut case. Facts were of no importance. Debate was impossible. They didn’t want their beliefs examined. I found it scary.

I believe debating issues with facts and reason to be a wonderful teacher. They just called the liberal lie and blame the internet. Yet in the next breath say all the pro Tump stuff is the truth.

The brick wall gave me a headache.

So at least one good thing happened. My daughter registered to vote 🤗


eileen_donovan September 4 2018, 19:18:05 UTC
I did what I can.

That's all anyone can do! :)

You're right, it's scary that some people have no interest in discussing the issues, but only cling to their beliefs. That's what they call tribalism and it's not a good thing on either side. It's good that you were willing to debate even if it didn't do any good. We should always be willing to talk to others, to engage and learn.

I'm so glad your daughter registered! I am hopeful that a LOT of young people have done that. Certainly back in the Vietnam War era, that's exactly what we did!


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