Some folks seem to be freaking out about LJ deleting accounts. The servers are apparently now in Russia and that concerns some people. I've been on LJ close to 11 years and this? It's happened before! However, if you need places to back up your journal, the Question Club just had a question about that
here that provides good info. And FYI,
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Comments 7
It's a good reminder to back up your data if you value it. I have all my fiction on several back-up sites as well as some of it on AO3, but I'd still like to keep all the memories I have from this place ... should something happen. :)
I'm hoping this is just the latest freak out. We've all lived through them before
and I'm hoping it will pass.
I hope it's just a fluke!
On another hand I found out few things form a couple of discussion I've read. There's a law in Russia that says all the data concerning Russian citizens has to be archived on the servers that are physically in Russia (Google, Facebook, etc. has to do that, just like anyone else). Another information was about deleted accounts. It ws confirmed by some users, but they also said most accounts was restored and the whole situation was caused by some error.
Two sides of the same coin, the true is probably somewhere in the middle.
But I can understand people being angry because LJ ties to hide all the information they are able to, but that's LJ, not the first time when it's happened.
The Question Club has a post on this here.
Perhaps all the allegations against Russia has something to do with it. A lot of people are upset at the notion that they may have helped you-know-who get elected. Ugh!
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