Title: 君は無敵 (You are Invincible)
Pairing(s): HayaRyu
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Death
Genre: Angst
Disclaimer: Do not own the characters or anything related to JE.
Summary: “Someone tell him, he’s supposed to be waiting at the end of the subway platform… Tell him ‘I might be a bit late but I’ll definitely come, so wait…’”
N/A: Based on “Andalucia ni
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Comments 18
But THIS!!!!! This was pure evilness in the greatest form!!!! Hayaryuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!! You totally killed me with this, sad sad sad saaaaaaad >< >< But at the same time, I love it sooooo much, you did a wonderful job, it got me soooo flaily and crazy and going' omg omg omg' yesterday, I must've been an amusing sight XDDDD
Hayaryu multi-chap, any ideas? *smiles innocently*
And the mood theme XDDDD
Yes HayaRyu is pure love <3 I can't believe I still hadn't written anything about them...
Thank you for getting flaily over my work ♥♥
If you help me get a good idea I promise I'll write one xD I promised you a fic after all
And yeah the mood theme was chosen considering the circumstances xD
T.T *flood of tears*
Don't cry now... D8
(And yes he did xD Poor Jin, he probably tried to change from the usual 'he went to study in America' xD)
Thank you for reading and commenting ♥ *huggles*
real love it
thank you so so so much
lovely writing.
Thank you for reading and commenting <3 And your icon is just pure cuteness ♥♥
And thanks re the icon, sometimes I see it and just want to lean through the computer screen and pinch his cheeksn softly.....
It's sweet^^ I so love Hayato not abandoning his friends,while at the same time trying to keep his promise to Ryu^^
Hayato has a sweet side after all ^o^ At least that's what I like to think xD *kicked*
Thank you so much for reading and commenting =D *huggles*
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