Title: Unexpected Diversions (Prologue + Chapter 1)
Pairings/Appearances: Eventually ALL of SuJu, but at the moment there is only Hee Chul and Shi Won...pairings will eventually be ShiChul, KangTeuk...more to come. This is the beginning of an epic after all, so there isn't much. XD
Rating: PG (Ratings will change in future)
Warnings: AU...
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Comments 8
even the queen herself refused to deny Hee Chul’s true gender.
>o>; Er, I think that should be, "even the queen herself denied Hee Chul's true gender" because his real gender is male, right?
8D This was amusing. Dear gods...
sorry for the caps. but i'm a die hard shichul fan!!!!!!!!!
write more write more! i can't wait for shichul interaction =)
plz update soon ~
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