A possibility that Ryutaro will be returning soon to the group?
Not actually expecting a thing since I've already come in terms with his issue.
I mean, I'm still his fan and I support his decision to focus on his studies.
But this post is giving again HSJ fans especially
Ryutaro-biased ones a new hope.
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Comments 29
What do you think about it?
but when the 3 standing, there's spaces for the other 2 (1-*-1-*-1) but they never back as 5.
if he would put back ryuchan to jump or just like uchi. or never.
who knows ;(
well.. since it's johnny's...
but did you know the original source of the member list?
I don't really feel like he's going to return soon. Or even just return to the group. I think HSJ has already moved on and are already used to having 9 members. That's what I feel. :(
This is the source. http://xn--gdk3b6d606ldhq5uae19bdh6d.com/info/201305/20130512.html
And why is Tokyo Dome not updated with 9nin JUMP? JUMP have had concerts there before in 2011 and 2012 right?
Ugh. I want him to come back.
Yes. Do you remember in OVER performance from Summary 2011. There was a great space.
Also when 9nin HSJ performed OVER in Music Station Live 2011. picture here
I don't know. Maybe they have surprises for us. But I don't really want to expect a lot. :(
Also, I don't know if you notice this, but I have a feeling that before Ryuu was suspended, the preparations for Magic Power have already been made. Like, for their costumes, there's some sort of a pattern with the colors and styles.
Daiki, Ryosuke & Chii: pink/red & yellow
Yuya, Yabu, Yuto & Hikka: orange/yellow & blue
Keito & Inoo: pink/yellow & green
If it was for 9nin JUMP, then the members should be divided 3-3-3, but somewhere from my mind says that the costumes were prepared for 3-4-3 divisions of the members.
LOL. I wrote so much OTL. I would always imagine how JUMP would perform Magic Power with Ryuu x.x if he's there, maybe Yabu will join JUMP band then.
Actually, Ryutaro's color is light blue, right? They changed some of the members' colors when he got suspended, right?
Oh, and yes. UPDATE: the typist edited the post. They apologized for the wrong information.
/cries. All hope are gone. http://xn--gdk3b6d606ldhq5uae19bdh6d.com/info/201305/20130512.html
I am still waiting for him to come back till he says something about the matter but I'll respect his decisions!! :'D
The hopes are all gone. :')
oh well! I'm just going to keep my hopes up and stuff and wait for his comeback/reply to the issue. My friend actually saw him recently in a residential area near her house but she didn't dare to talk to him, she said he's a lot taller now :')
Let's not keep our hopes high again. :( Not after this another rumor. :(
Oh btw, you said your friend saw him? Nice. Is your friend a fangirl or just a normal one? It's nice to know how calm people are around him. I hope not many stalkers/paparazzis are following him everyday. :)
I guess the best way is to stop believing unless there's an official statement by Johnny himself.
Aww, the one with Uchi is painful, too. :(
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