the antagonist manifesto (antagonists are a group of artists/writers/poets from new york 'spreadking the seed' across the uk, soon teh WILL BE MASSIVE, so get invlved and take part now- go gerrruilla art massif)
The world is divided into three sectors. The Antagonist = creation.
The Protagonist = potential. The Commercialist = parasite.
Life is a circle. The only way to break outside this circle - short of
death - is to create. The Antagonist will do whatever it takes in
order to create; for crime is art, art is crime. However, he does not
break laws merely to cause crime, rather when they impede his ability
to create.
The Antagonist's greatest challenge is the dreaded "IF." He is at war
at all times and on all fronts with "IF." IF he fails, IF he succeeds,
IF he is laughed at does not matter. "IF" must be destroyed.
The Antagonist is not lead by his ego, but instead by his creativity.
There is no standard form or medium for this creativity, save for the
exception that the piece should provoke its audience. Titles like
artist, writer, or actor are secondary to The Antagonist's creative
output. Blue or white collar, he is not defined by his socio-economic
status, or even his art. All titles are equal. It is his drive and
persistence to create that defines him. Art must not rely on ego, but
on strength.
The exploitation of the creative is not the standard of art. Though he
may sell his art for profit, The Antagonist, emphasizing the process,
does not create with the initial intent to produce a "product."
Creativity may be kept to one's self; it does not have to be
displayed. The Antagonist's work is born unto the world, celebrates a
useful existence, and then dies. Only The Commercialist produces
intending to reap economic benefits. The Antagonist and The
Commercialist are in opposition, with The Protagonist straddling the
fence between the two. The Antagonist trains his mind to see
differently than The Protagonist and The Commercialist. He pushes The
Protagonist to action and is the essence of creativity.
The Antagonist is good for the kids, good for the community; yet he
may find himself in direct conflict with commercialism, opportunism,
or the powers that be. They will threaten or attempt to inhibit his
creative output. The Antagonist represents a threat to the system
around him, and must seize upon this power to use the system against
itself. Any resource, material, or tool of the system to which The
Antagonist has access - authorized or not - should be used to further
his work.
In the end, The Antagonist creates.