Title: The Cold Sea of Kindness
Author Eglantine_br
Rating R for Smut
Word Count 1671
The Cold Sea of Kindness
He had been watching William Bush. He had, he supposed, a particular interest in the man. Watching was easy-- the fellow was not alert to such a thing, unaware of a steady gaze and the mind that drove it. Bush was a competent sailor, at least
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It was Archie's great sin that he had not.
All the perfumes of Arabia....I wonder how many others lived with that sin? Their names are still carved in the walls of Bitche.
Skin had a hunger of its own, quite apart from an aching heart, or an aching cock.
Yes - skin!! This is so, so true but I have never known anyone to put it into words so perfectly.
silver to Archie's gold
That made me melt....
Any you remembered Archie's birthday! I'm so pleased :)
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