My wardrobe has mostly been sweet for the past 5 years I've been in lolita and I've worked hard towards my color schemes of pink black and navy. I have recently started adding grey into my wardrobe as it also goes well with pink and black. I have also recently started collecting classic lolita pieces as I can wear some of them to my new job as a librarian without the petticoat! If you want to see how my wardrobe has evolved check out my last years wardrobe post
here! I am also always looking for new friends on my poupee girl . Now on to the pics!
Starting with my small collection of OPs
AP Marchen Ribbon (A dream dress!), BtSSB Creamy Soda Pop, BtSSB Longest Name
AP Sailor OP (Super old!!), Innocent World Elise OP
BtSSB Circus Print (Also another dream dress first print I bought new!), BtSSB Border Print
BtSSB (You will see this pink plaid throughout the post, I love it!), AP Candy Pop, BtSSB Mary in the Sky With Candies
AP Cinema Doll, IW, The Snow Field Librarian Series
Bodyline (technically an OP), Innocent World Acanthus
And then skirts!
Bodyline, BtSSB Trick-or-Treat, AP Chocolat-chan Going Out Applique
AP Candy-Chan on a Walk, Meta Alphabet, AP Scallop Tweed Going Out
Remember that pink plaid? It's back! BtSSB Heart Pouchette, BtSSB Pleated skirt
AP Color Scheme Pearl Heart, BtSSB Border Print, AP Candy Pop
AP Jewelry BOX, Innocent World, BtSSB Starry Sky of Mother Goose
Blouses and Cutsews!
Top Row: Putumayo, Angelic Pretty, BtSSB
Bottom Row: AP, BtSSB, Innocent World
Top Row: AP, BtSSB Unico in Bloomland
Bottom Row: AP, AP
Top Row: AP, Innocent World
Bottom Row: Kids YoYo, BtSSB
Non-Lolita OPs and a skirt I forgot
AP Milky WAY, Putumayo, Putumayo
Various Outerwear
Bodyline, BtSSB, BtSSB
AP, AP (Yes these first two are the same I loved the black one so much I had to get the pink!), AP
BtSSB (Plaid!), AP Jewelry BOX
AP Lovely Girl Jacket
F+F Bear Ear Coat, I use this as my normal coat most days and people love it!
Various other Winter Wear
Innocent World Ear Muffs, BtSSB Gloves, Offbrand Muff
Left Row Top to Bottom: Innocent World Clip, BtSSB, AP Jewelry BOX, AP, BtSSB, BtSSB Starry Sky of Mother Goose, BtSSB Creamy Soda Pop, BtSSB
Right Row Top to Bottom: AP Cinema Doll, AP Candy Pop, AP, BtSSB, BtSSB Circus Print, BtSSB, AP Clip
Top Row: BtSSB, BtSSB
Middle Row:
leine_black BtSSB, BtSSB, AP Milky WAY
Bottom Row: AP Scallop Tweed Going Out, BtSSB,
(If you want to know the name of any just ask!)
This is where they are normally:
Two BtSSB one AP
BtSSB and Innocent World
Shoes, I really should get more of these!
Top Row: AnTaiNa, BtSSB, AnTaiNa, Secret Shop
Bottom Row: Bodyline, AnTaiNa, Bodyline
The Choker is BtSSB, The wrist cuffs are AP and BtSSB. The top row of rings are two AP and one BtSSB the rest are pretty much Paradise Rose other than one offbrand! The middle Charm bracelet is Putumayo.
Currently Waiting on:
That's it thank you for looking! :D