Shipment Open now. (edited) Notice for Package Shipment Stop from Japan to U.S

Nov 13, 2010 19:07

EDIT: Shipment is open again, Dec 1
read here

official notice from Japan Postal Office here (EN translation)
Original notice in Japanese:

Japan Post will be halting shipment of packages over 16oz (453g) starting NOVEMBER 17
As a general rule, the shipment restriction will be for packages that match ALL of the criteria below:
- addressed to US or US territories.
- service listed below
- over 16oz
- Payment method is NOT "deferred payment" (usually used by companies paid in bulk) or business "metered" (stamped packages are NG)

services affected:
航空通常郵便物 (normal Air Mail)
航空小包郵便物 (Air Mail parcel)
SAL通常郵便物 (SAL normal mail)
SAL小包郵便物 (SAL parcel)
国際スピード郵便物 (EMS)

news notes that commercial shipment from commercial "known shippers" will NOT be restricted.
(however, don't ask me who are "known shippers". Some companies are registered/validated by Japan Post)


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