International Shopping Simplified for Y!JA, Mbok, Taobao and More! (Browser Plugins and Links)

Apr 26, 2010 19:35

I've recently started doing a lot of international shopping using sites like Yahoo!Japan Auctions, Mbok and Taobao to shop around for better prices than I was finding on the sales comm. When I first started shopping on these sites it was really frustrating having to constantly copy+paste things from one tab into another to translate text or convert currencies. I primarily use Firefox on my desktop computer but since I got a netbook I've been using Google Chrome as my browser since it's more lightweight and streamlined. After spending a lot of time frustrated I decided to look at some of the extensions available for chrome. I found two extensions that have made my online shopping experience so much easier.

The first extension I installed was:

Google Translate by chrome.translate.extension

This is actually an official extension and uses google's own translating service. No more copy pasting! With a button click it actually translates the page on the web page without even having to reload the page.

"The extension automatically detects if the language of a page you're on is different from the language you're using for your Google Chrome interface. If it is, a banner appears at the top of the page. Click the Translate button in the banner to have all the text on the page appear in the new language."

While browsing the banner will pop up on it's own. If it doesn't you can click the icon in the toolbar. Just hit "translate".

Hooray! Now the webpage is in English, or whatever language your version of Chrome is for.

The second extension I installed was:

Currency Converter by giakomino

This nifty little extension drops down without disrupting your browsing and you can select which currency you want to convert from and to. It remembers what the last currency you selected was each time so you don't have to sort through the list every time you use it. It updates via Yahoo!Finance so it's always up to date and it has most popular currencies. I primarily use it for Taobao but also Y!JAuctions and Mbok.

Click the little icon in your toolbar and select the currencies you want. For Taobao you'll need Chinese Yuan. Just type in the price of your item in the top field after you select the currency and it will give you a total without disrupting your browsing.

So there you have it. Super simplified online international shopping. Of course you'll still need a shopping service for the most part but finding items is so much easier.

I've compiled some links that I also use when shopping to help me better find what I'm looking for. Sadly I have a lot more for Mbok and Taobao than I do for Y!JA but Y!JA just seems to lump most lolita brand into the Angelic Pretty category.

mbok APMbok BTSSBMbok Inocent WorldMbok MetamorphoseMbok PutumayoMbok ETCmbok h.naotoMbok Jane Marplembok Liz Lisambok Jesus Diamante
Y!J AP Etc.

Other Japanese Shops (No Shopping service needed for these. They all have English order info somewhere on the website):
[Alice and Fururu I]Closet-Child【 FairyAngel 】

I have made a complete list of Taobao lolita shops and shopping services on this page:

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