Review for the shopping service gosurori_order

Jun 30, 2008 12:14

Nobody has reviewed this shopping service, and I just received my items, so I thought I could review!

I first mailed them on my birthday, 16th of June.
By then, I had placed an order with somebody else who had made me wait over two weeks with failing communication, so I was rather burnt >_<

I wanted to order items for my boyfriend and he wanted to order for me. This shopping service was more expensive, but they seemed to be good at avoiding taxes!

It took about two days for them to answer to my first mail, which made me worried (mostly because of the prior shopping service), and I wondered if the email adress was correct. They answered then and apologised for the delay *accepted~* :D

By then, they gladly informed me how to see the availability of the items, and I saw that none of the things I wanted from AP were available XDDDDD So I had to completely change the part of the order that was for me!

They sent us an estimation, and we were rather shifty with them and changed the order like three times. Once because of the cost. They hadn't counted their fee into the total, so we didn't get it correctly. So I thought, wow so cheap! And added two pairs of M-M-M socks. After that, the price shot op with 160 euro! And I thought it was all because of the socks! But it was because of the miscalculation :D So I removed a pair of socks. I had also made a miscalculation of their fee. I thought it was 15% of the total cost of the items. Apparently it's not. It's 15% of each item, or a minimum of 15 euro if the item is cheaper. That means small items/items costing less than 100 euro, become rather costy and that hurt a bit >_<

They were very friendly and professional, answered very quickly to all the mails and were very helpful! They also calculated the fees rather well~There were many small calculations, such as national shipping. They also always confirmed things before acting.

When the order was done, my paypal screwed me (of course), and since I'm in Sweden, it takes 3-4 days for money to upload into paypal. I was short of about 17.5 euro, which was rediculous, and feared that they wouldn't order things unless I had paid that amount and the items would sell out!

I trodded off to the bank, and lo and behold, it would be closed 4 days because of Midsummer holidays! NOOOOOOOOOOO T_____T

It stressed me a bit, so I sat waiting for their answer :D They answered me after an hour or so, saying it was totally fine. They would order the items and keep them until the last part was payed. Awesome. I quite marveled at their kindness XDDDD They ordered the items at once, on 19th June.

The situation was solved and the day they had recieved all the items, I was also able to sent the last of the payment. They sent the package on 25th of June.

I recieved the package today at the door (the mailman woke me up, I think I scared him with my gigantic hair and squealing XDDD). It was surprisingly small for the amount of items! They had marked it as gift, written the sum as "cardigan-used 80 sek" and "dress-used 100 sek". The items inside the package were gift wrapped, with a note saying "Sanaz chan, I'm sending you my old clothes <3" So cute!

So we TOTALLY evaded all other costs! Very surprising, it has NEVER happened to me before!!! I'm thrilled! The items came unharmed, the package was awesome, and I loved the service.

I had to wait for my boyfriend to arrive before opening it, so I hugged the package and slept a bit LOLOL *silly*

This is the package:

The package inside:

TL;DR version

Awesome service
Makes it impossible to get custom fees
Very nice personnel
Not the best for small items, gets a bit costy, even when ordering them along with larger items
Great packaging

Pics of items we bought :D

Some are on my Pupe too *^-^*

BTSSB crown necklace in white
AATP headdress
Moi-Même-Moitié crown socks

AATP treasure JSK

Alice Auaa net pants (bf's)

Sexy Dynamite London blouse (bf's)

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