Full Rules and Consequences for the EGL Sales Community
Nov 12, 2010 13:18
You are required to post with a working link to your feedback page. Your feedback page must be located on the eglfeedback community. Directions for requesting a feedback page are located on the main page of the community. Consequence: Your post will be rejected if there is no link to your EGLFeedback page. If your post is approved or posted without a link your feedback page, a moderator will remind you in the comments. If you fail to do so within 24 hours of notification, your post will be deleted.
All posts must be under a LiveJournal Cut and include the correct subject, location, and tags. All text and images of a post must be under a LJ cut. In Visual Editor mode, you can create a cut by highlighting your entire post text with your mouse and clicking the "Insert Cut" button on top of the text field (the one that looks like a paper ripped in half). In HTML mode, you can create a cut by copying and pasting the following code directly into your post and filling out the text in capitals appropriately:
The subject of your post must begin with the appropriate abbreviation to identify the type of most that you are making. Additionally, you must include your location in the location field of your post, located to the right of the text field. This must be your real location, although it can be as general as your country. If you include your postal or zip code, make sure to also include your country. Finally, you must also use the appropriate tags to identify the type of post that you are making, located below the text field. !ds - Direct Sale !da - Direct Auction !dt - Direct Trade !ea - eBay Auction !es - Etsy Sale !wtb - Want to Buy !afc - Available for Commission !wtc - Want to Commission !go - Group Order !ss - Shopping Service !ac - Art Commission You may also wish to add brand, color, or item type tags to make your post easier to locate, but keep in mind that you can only use existing tags from the tag list. More information about tags and labels can be found here. Consequence: Your post will be rejected if it is not under a LJ cut. Your post may be approved or posted without the appropriate abbreviations in the subject, a location, or tags, but a moderator will remind you in the comments to correct or add the appropriate formatting within 24 hours of notification. If you fail to do so within 24 hours of notification, your post will be deleted.
All items must be priced. All items must have a price. There are two exceptions. The first is customized commissions, which often vary in price. The second is items posted for Direct Trade. If you wish to change your item to a Direct Sale or repost it as a Direct Trade before the 4-week waiting period (Rule #4), please include a price it the first time you post it as a Direct Trade. If you leave it unpriced, you must wait the full 4-week period to repost whether you are switching to a Direct Sale or reposting as a Direct Trade. Consequence: Your post will be rejected or deleted, with a request to add a price to your items.
You may only post each item ONCE within a FOUR-WEEK period if it is a Direct Sale, or TWICE if it is an auction (Direct Auction or eBay Auction). Want to Buy posts may only be made ONCE within a FOUR-WEEK period for each item. Each individual item may only be posted once in a 4-week period. You may only repost the same item before the 4-week period has passed if you make a price reduction of 20% or more (rounding UP is considered incorrect reduction, so please always round DOWN). The price reduction applies to the sale price for items posted for Direct Sale and to both the starting price and buy it now price of items posted for Direct Auction or eBay Auction. If you encounter a non-paying buyer, you may contact a moderator for permission to repost early. Shopping service or commissioning service posts can be made one time within a 4-week period. Consequence: You will be given a warning and your post will be rejected or deleted if you repost before the 4-week period has passed and you have not made the correct price reduction. If you have already made sales on items which have been improperly reduced, you will be given a warning but the post will not be deleted. If you violate this rule a second time, you will be banned for one month.
You may post only ONCE every FOUR days. You may only make one "selling" (DS, DA, DT, EA, ES, AFC, GO, SS, AC) and one "buying" (WTB, WTC) post in a 4-day period. You may link back to your older posts in your new post in form of a text link only, without images. You must also wait a 4-day period between posting DA or GO reminders. There is one exception to this rule if you have a Direct Auction that ends in 4 days or less, you may post 1 reminder in addition to your original post within the 4-day period. Consequence: You will be given a warning and your post will be rejected or deleted if post more than once every 4 days. If you have improperly linked to older posts, a moderator will remind you in the comments. If you fail to do so within 24 hours of notification, your post will be deleted.
Posts must contain items which portray the authentic look of one of the Lolita fashion substyles and appear to be of good quality and construction. Items from brands on the whitelist and their sister/sub brands are always allowed. Items from non-whitelisted brands, Japanese or not, are acceptable, provided that they accurately represent one of the Lolita fashion substyles and are of good quality and construction. Handmade items are acceptable, provided that they are of good quality and construction. Items representing other fashion styles, as well as general cute or Japanese items, will not be accepted unless they are from brands on the whitelist. A list of acceptable and unacceptable items can be found in this post. Consequence: Your post will be rejected or deleted, with an explanation from a moderator if your items do not meet the above criteria. The definition of “not Lolita,” “borderline,” and “poor quality” is decided by the moderator reviewing your post. If you feel a moderator’s ruling was unfair, you may request that one or all of the other moderators review the decision.
Posts must contain at least 75% items that are unique to the Lolita fashion. At least 75% of items in a post must be Lolita, meaning that they must be items exclusive to the Lolita fashion. Items that were not created for Lolita, but fit the overall aesthetic and guidelines of the fashion are considered "loliable" and can be up to a maximum of 25% of a post. More information on how to tell if an item is Lolita or loliable can be found in this post. Consequence: Your post will be rejected or deleted, if with an explanation from a moderator if your post does not meet the above criteria.
The sale of illegal replica goods is NOT allowed. Our community doesn't allow the sale of illegal replica goods. This includes selling replica fabrics, making Want to Buy posts for replicas, and so on. More information on what an illegal replica good is can be found in this post and more details on our replica policy can be found in this post. Consequence: Your post will be rejected or deleted, with a request from a moderator to remove any illegal replica goods. Any member attempting to sell an illegal replica item as an authentic one will be treated as a scammer and permanently banned from our community.
You must include at least ONE proof photo of your own that shows the entire item clearly. Stock photos must NOT be hotlinked. Items for sale must be accompanied be at least 1 proof photo of your own that shows the whole item. Proof photos must not be very small, very dark, or excessively blurry. Images should not be excessively edited or altered and must properly represent the condition of each item. Any damages should be duly noted and shown. You may include stock photos found on the Internet if you have saved and uploaded them to an image hosting website. Photos from other sellers may only be used with their explicit permission to do so. Consequence: Your post will be rejected or deleted if you do not include at least 1 proof photo for each item. If an image does not clearly show all the details of an item (due to size or the way it has been cropped), the post will be rejected or deleted with a request to fix it. If an image is blurry but the entire item and majority of the details can be seen, the post may be approved or posted, but a moderator will request that clearer images be added. If you fail to do so within 24 hours of notification, your post will be deleted. If an image is hotlinked or used without permission, your post will be rejected or deleted with a request from a moderator to fix it.
You are responsible for all items posted under your LiveJournal username. This means that you must handle all interactions with other members on your posts (even if you are selling or buying on behalf of another member), including maintaining communication and ensuring shipment in a timely manner. EGLFeedback may only be left for the original poster. Consequence: Failure to take responsibility for items posted under your LiveJournal username may result in negative EGLFeedback, so please be careful.
Links to specific listings on sites with their own checkout system (eBay, Etsy, Shopenvy, etc.) are allowed. Links to other journals, communities, and forums are NOT allowed. Links to specific listings on other moderated sites with private payment systems such as eBay, Etsy, Shopenvy, and others are permitted, but for each item you must include the price and a proof photo of your own, in addition to a link to the specific listing. Links to sites without private payment systems such as your personal journal, other communities, forums, and others is not allowed. Linking to entire eBay, Etsy, and personal webshops is not allowed. Linking to entire wishlists rather than specific items is allowed for WTB posts, but the wishlist may be posted only once within a 4-week period. Consequence: Your post will be rejected or deleted if it contains links to sites without their own checkout system.
Do NOT delete posts and comments. Please screen any comments of your own or on your post that you wish to remove rather than deleting them. Any comments that are personal attacks or harrassment should be screened and reported to a moderator. Consequence: You will be given a warning if you are found to be deleting posts or comments. If you violate this rule a second time, you will be banned for one month.
No "feeler" posts. You either want to sell or buy something in this community or you don't. If you are wondering if people want to buy your item or not, post it for DS or DA. If you are wondering if people have anything that you want to buy, post a serious WTB. Posting an item for sale is binding as soon as there is a buyer, until then you may change your mind and remove an item from a post as long as it still contains at least 75% Lolita items (Rule #7). You are not allowed to delete posts (Rule #12), if you don't have a buyer and no longer want to sell it, simply add a note that it is not for sale anymore. Consequence: Your post will be rejected or deleted if it contains feeler items, with a request to change it to a sales or buying post. If you repost a feeler item your post was rejected or deleted, you will be banned for one month for ignoring the request.
Abide by your post type and don’t back out of sales. If you have a DS post and people are attempting to make higher offers, you are not allowed to change your post into an auction or accept a higher offer than the original stated price. You must decide before posting an item whether you want to put it up for DS or DA. Once you have committed to sell to or buy from another member, that commitment is binding, so proceed with caution before entering into a transaction. Keep in mind that negative EGLFeedback can be left for changing a price or backing out of a transaction after an agreement has been made. Consequence: You will be given a warning if you are found out to be repeatedly (3 times or more) changing the type of your post, backing out of transactions, and other such shady behavior.
Friendly Reminders:
We encourage members to pre-emptively add PayPal fees into sale prices if you wish to charge them, as adding PayPal fees is against PayPal’s terms of service and could get you in trouble if a buyer decides to report you to PayPal.
We strongly discourage the sending of personal or gift payments through PayPal. This payment method offers no buyer/seller protection. If you wish to know more about PayPal’s payment methods, please check this post.
For sales, we encourage you to state all fees and charges up front. Please note that buyers can pull out of a sale and leave you negative EGLFeedback if you invoice them for a total that is higher than that which agreed upon.
Please make your EGLFeedback link clickable so that it is easier for other members to view your feedback.
Please resize your pictures properly before uploading. Pictures should not appear larger than ~700 pixels in posts. If you upload them in full resolution and simply scale them down to fit your sales post, they will still take very long to load or refuse to load entirely.
Please only make ‘Attention Buyer/Seller' posts as a last resort and if money has already changed hands. If you wish to buy something from a post and the seller doesn't respond to you, it is not ground for an ATTN post. If you are unsure if you should post one, please contact a moderator.
Consider writing and formatting your sales post in your personal journal first, so that even if it’s rejected/deleted, you still have a template to work from instead of having to re-write everything.
Remember to leave EGLFeedback after every transaction. It’s not required, but it is polite.
If an item has already been sold, do not continue to post it to the community. If a buyer has backed out of a sale, you can request permission from a moderator to repost; otherwise, there is no reason to continue posting items that are no longer available. The same applies to items that are "on hold".
You can link to feedback on eBay or Etsy, or photos on Poupee; however, you need to provide proof that the account is yours by including your LiveJournal username on your profile.
If your post was not approved within 24 hours, but you didn't receive a rejection message, please don't assume that it never made it into the queue and post it again. You are risking a warning for repeatedly breaking a community rule! Please contact a moderator to request the status of your post. We can tell you how to fix your post to guarantee its approval. Always save a copy of your post to your personal journal, so you can link us if something goes wrong. Then you can make corrections to your post without having to rewrite it.
Unless a mod specifically states “This is a formal warning” rejection and deletion of posts does not mean warnings! In other words, you’re NOT in trouble just because your post was rejected/deleted. You’re only in trouble if we say you are ;)
Don't PM multiple moderators! We always present your matter to the team at large, and this can sometimes take 4-6 hours to get a final decision back. PMing multiple moderators will just hold up the process.
Finally, please try to have some patience with us! While we try our best to remain familiar with Lolita brands and trends, we don’t know everything. If you feel that one mod is wrong, don’t hesitate to request that another mod- or the entire mod team- step in and provide a ruling on your situation. We are always more than happy to re-evaluate our judgements. And if you ever need any help, please consult this list to see what languages our various moderators speak and the times they’re available to help members of the community.