SPN FIC: Call It Education

Jan 26, 2013 16:57

Title: Call It Education
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: NC-17
Word count: 2,500
Notes: This is pretty much just porn for porn's sake, and is entirely due to this picture (**promo shot for 8x13**, not very spoilery but click at your own risk!). I said all he needed was some glasses to complete the outfit, quickreaver said he should be reciting Latin, and then this ( Read more... )

fic, supernatural

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Comments 34

the_reverand January 26 2013, 21:14:46 UTC
...and after that they couldn't exorcise a demon without becoming aroused, which was always a bit awkward if the exorcisee survived.

Huzzah for inspirational sweatervests!


eggnogged January 26 2013, 21:37:28 UTC
Hahah, don't be silly, they never exorcise anyone anymore! They just stab 'em, it's quicker! >.<

January has been the month of sweatervests for you and me, looks like. XD


peepingdru January 26 2013, 21:19:28 UTC


eggnogged January 26 2013, 21:38:06 UTC
Hahah, thank you! :D


amberdreams January 26 2013, 21:31:35 UTC
No there's an image I hadn't thought of before - Sam in glasses instead of Dean. Mmm.

But then again, there was this, wasn't there...

... )


eggnogged January 26 2013, 21:40:58 UTC
Urf, I'd be happy with either of them wearing glasses for an episode, I don't even care about the reason! Man, there must be a fic out there already about Dean's eyesight getting poorer and Sam noticing, and Dean denies and denies until Sam convinces him that he looks hot with glasses. XD I WANT TO READ THIS.

Um, anyway. Thanks for the eye candy! :D


amberdreams January 26 2013, 21:59:32 UTC
That fic - didn't I see one this very week something along these lines on geckaholic's birthday prompt list? I'm sure someone filled it - mind you it might have been Gen and hurt!Dean rather than a cue for sexy times..


eggnogged January 26 2013, 22:17:54 UTC
Gen and hurt!Dean are perfectly acceptable. I'll have to go take a look, thanks!


quickreaver January 26 2013, 21:58:03 UTC
HEEEEE! Yep, this. THIS is exactly what we were talking about, was it not? Most excellent, madame. (There was a cute curtain!fic somewhere with Sam needing glasses but I haven't stumbled upon a Dean one, that I can recall.)


eggnogged January 26 2013, 22:23:14 UTC
Hahah, thanks! And thanks for helping inspire this.

I suppose that since Sam is always the one poring over books and staring at a laptop, it's more likely that he'd be the one to need glasses in the long run! I just like the idea of Dean needing them because he'd be more resistant to it and try to ignore the problem. :D


quickreaver January 27 2013, 02:49:50 UTC
Oh, true dat. Yep!


cmsserenity January 26 2013, 22:09:23 UTC
Haven't seen anything but the preview picture... and there is already sweater vest porn?

My Goodness. I am a lucky lady and this, THIS is the best fandom EVER.

Well written - and very in character. Heh.

Leave 'em on, indeed.


eggnogged January 26 2013, 22:24:30 UTC
Appropriate icon is appropriate! And what can I say, that picture was very inspiring.

Thank you for your kind comment, I'm glad you liked it!


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