SPN FIC: White Out

Dec 23, 2012 21:23

Title: White Out
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 6,500
Spoilers: Set about halfway through Season 7.
Notes: Written for spn_j2_xmas. Merry Christmas, de_nugis! This was written for your prompt: “Sam and Dean are stranded because of the weather, at a time when things are tense between them.” I tried to weave in a couple of elements from your ‘likes’ as ( Read more... )

fic, supernatural

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Comments 37

la_reverenda December 24 2012, 03:15:44 UTC
Even random weather gods want them to make out. XD

Apart from Dean being so stubborn, which I know I already mentioned to you, the bit with Sam telling Dean that he can't always get what he wants and Dean having it stuck in his head and then Sammy snapping at him... it's perfect characterization and a great bro moment. IDK, I liked that bit a lot.



eggnogged December 24 2012, 06:15:44 UTC
I guess weather gods are not above perving on hot bro-on-bro action. XD

Thank you for your help and for letting me ramble at you about this story. <333


zebra363 December 24 2012, 05:28:24 UTC
I really enjoyed this. You set up a scenario where

It’s easy to let it happen, this time, in an abandoned motel under the snow with not a soul anywhere nearby, like they’re all alone in the world.

was very believable!


eggnogged December 24 2012, 06:17:15 UTC
Thank you so much! Late-series first times are a bit tricky so I'm glad you found it believable. :)


de_nugis December 24 2012, 15:39:57 UTC
Eeee! Thank you so much. I love first time setups where it's somehow just the two of them in a landscape -- not that I don't think Sam and Dean can have other bonds than just with each other, or that I don't like reading them as part of a community, but it seems exactly right to me for the moment of wincest decision that it would be that way, the two of them constituting their own world. And they would still totally take down any god who arranged it. And it feels very real to me that they'd both kind of know that they had those feelings but have a kind of tacit agreement never to say it out loud or act on it, and that Dean would be puzzled and annoyed and a bit outraged at Sam breaking that agreement rather than dramatically freaked out by the idea of incest. The whole thing feels both appropriately atmospheric and real in both the practicalities of survival and the emotions of the characters.

There could also be sequels . . .

A very happy holiday to you, and thank you again.


eggnogged December 24 2012, 17:37:47 UTC
I'm glad you liked it, and thanks for such a lovely and thoughtful comment! You had some good prompts (I think we happen to like a lot of the same things!), but I really enjoy a good old 'stranded due to weather' trope so in the end it was an easy choice.

I do like reading stories about big dramatic incest angst now and then, but I feel like this late in the game, they would both know themselves enough to have an understanding (and an acceptance) that they have these feelings, and I had fun writing it as a more low-key event.


glovered December 24 2012, 20:35:10 UTC
Aaah! This is so beautiful, thank you for writing it!


eggnogged December 25 2012, 05:36:08 UTC
Thank you! I'm really flattered that you enjoyed it!


lyryk December 25 2012, 17:47:49 UTC
Oh wow, this is just gorgeous. I love your take on S/D, that they acknowledge what's between them but don't act on it (until they do). And the atmosphere is just wonderfully established. Thanks for this!


eggnogged December 26 2012, 00:30:34 UTC
Thank you! <3


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