Title: Fast Fuse
Pairing: Bank Robber/Getaway Driver
Summary: Nearly 3 years after their first encounter, robber and driver meet again.
Word count: 3,320 (this part)
Rating: NC-17 overall
Disclaimer: I gave them new names and all, but I don't own Mint Royale, or their video, or Julian and Noel for that matter. No
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Comments 40
You know, everyone was saying 'Poor Jon!' at the last part, and I kept thinking, 'Yikes, wait until the next one.' >.>
Jon pulls back a little bit, just enough so he can brush Elliot’s fringe out of the way and kiss his forehead, “Try not to seduce the bad guy next time, yeah?”
GUH. I am heartbroken. In a...good...way. <3
I'm really glad you liked despite the heartbreak, thank you for commenting. <3
Um. *breathes* I will still love you and still think this is amazing whatever happens, of course. But I am wearing a very hopeful look through my gut-wrenched tears (like giving up a lung, indeed) at the fact that there's still one more to go and that maybemaybemaybe.
And holy crap, I really wish I could draw, because I'm right there with Jon on getting a bit hot and bothered at Elliot looking all cop-like and SRS BZNS, and that so needs drawing.
Oh, and Jon's I know you speech is perfect. ♥
Now I know the real reason you're staggering the chapters-- two back to back is just about more than the human heart can take.
*goes back to being a twitchy puddle in the corner*
OH MAN, I would LOVE for someone to draw that scene. *______* I can't even draw stick figures. XD I'd make this whole thing into a porny graphic novel if I could!
I didn't mean to turn you into a twitchy puddle! <3 <3 <3 And again, thank you for your loverly feedback, it fills me with glee!
Thank you!
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