Title: The Cult of Dean (1/3)
eggbluePairing: Dean/Castiel
Rating: R
Disclaimer: Supernatural, Sam, Dean and Castiel are not belong to me.
Word Count: 1500
Notes: Post-4.22. Conversation fic where Castiel has his faith destroyed and wakes up naked in a hotel room next to Dean.
Part 2
Part 3
Do not covet the children of Eden )
Comments 18
Je casse
Tu casses
Il/elle casse
Nous cassons
Vous cassez
Ils/elles cassent
But perhaps it's us on the tvguide etc who misspell it ?
Oh, that's the coolest thing I've heard all day!!!! I forgot about 'casser', but the meaning is delightfully ironic :) Broken Cas(s?) is the best Cas :)
You always post the best info! *hugs*
cass > casse (break , present)
cas > un cas (a case)
In the both writings/ways that means something in french . That's why I have guessed that in the subtitles they write Cass for that phonetically you say the right pronunciation , but since I know even the english script write Cass , I'm not sure of it ;)
That makes me smile , too , when I think of it ;)
This is where I began to whoop with glee, and I haven't stopped yet.
*hugs you*
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