That poor little girl. It is a hard lesson to learn and figuring out the right balance between natural talent, hard work and joy is a tricky one. I had some natural talent but not enough joy when things got really hard (though I would put in hours of practice time for years). My daughter has learning disabilities so learning to play was really hard for her, but she struggled through because she loved it so much. I rarely play any more, but she still plays regularly.
Yes, I hope she doesn't quit. It's a lesson in life to learn that somethings are hard but they can be learned with practice. I am always amazed how the movements and placement changes of fingers on the keyboard in some songs become easy and natural after a while. Just do that passage 20 (100!) times!
That must be wonderful to hear your daughter playing.
Muscle memory is a wonderful thing. I do enjoy listening, though I sometimes worry about what is on her mind. When she suddenly starts playing after a break, it can mean that she is feeling stress. It helps to ground her, which is good, so I try to remember that as I listen.
I can relate to that, too. It's why I bought a bunch of very nice watercolor supplies, then let them sit for several months. I knew I wasn't going to be good at painting right away and likely never would be, so I had to really psyche myself up to just enjoy it no matter the outcome. I'm getting a little better at that.
Yes, things CAN be enjoyable even if we don't have a talent for them. Playing piano is a case in point for me!
Though piano is almost a private thing because I only play in front of one person (my teacher). This dance thing would be much more public in a group setting. That's a con. Something I'd have to steel myself to get over if I do go...
I'd highly recommend line dancing or contra dancing for anyone who LIKES dancing but isn't very good at it! It's a lot of fun - it is very social but very casual - learn dance moves - get a workout - listen to music - You get to feel foolish but also... you get to get over it.
Comments 13
That must be wonderful to hear your daughter playing.
Though piano is almost a private thing because I only play in front of one person (my teacher). This dance thing would be much more public in a group setting. That's a con. Something I'd have to steel myself to get over if I do go...
That's exciting about your paints!
It's a lot of fun - it is very social but very casual - learn dance moves - get a workout - listen to music - You get to feel foolish but also... you get to get over it.
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