Here are the sign ups for the second round in
efron20in20 .If you want to participate, you need to join this community and leave a comment with this text and completing the part that says where you are going to post the icons:
I want to sign up.
Username:I will post my icons in: - I don't know when I'll be closing the sign ups but I hope to reach at least eight participants :)
- Be sure to join this community, that way I'll be able to give you posting acess.
- The basic rules can be read at the profile.
number journal posting location status 1
brkfstattiffs12 brkfstattiffs12 pending 2
sydneydaile d_ambiguity pending 3
stay_tuned_4 wildchildicons pending 4
azzy_michelle stagefright_xx pending 5
sonasha joyfulwaltz pending 6
jenmixelle jessiechase pending 7
reich_2 bli_mey pending 8
thatdamnkiss heartattack87 complete 9
n_iinza uvegotmesewn pending
NOTE: the participants
stay_tuned_4 &
azzy_michelle will be posting their icons on
sketchy_mirror besides the posting location mentioned in the table.