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Comments 10

longerthanwedo August 2 2010, 19:38:54 UTC
Yessssss :D
I especially agree with Matthew as Xander, Matt as Riley, and Lisa as Anya ;)


evangelin1202 August 2 2010, 19:41:03 UTC
I tell you, if Matthew was Xander, I would've actually loved the guy. Just 'cause he played him. *g*
Yay! So happy you like Lisa as Anya. I couldn't decide, if she should be Anya or Willow 'till the end. :D


longerthanwedo August 2 2010, 19:43:32 UTC
I love Xander, but Matthew would've been excellent too. Xander has always reminded me of Chandler, since like the very first episode xD I think Lisa would be a good Anya, mainly because both Phoebe and Anya are ~strange characters, lol.


evangelin1202 August 2 2010, 19:45:56 UTC
Yeah, our girls are one of a kind. :D


zoesmith August 2 2010, 20:25:44 UTC
OMG CC would be a great Slayer!!!

I liked this casting a lot!!



evangelin1202 August 2 2010, 21:10:13 UTC
Thank you! I know! In that second pic she reminds me of Buffy soo much.


snogged August 2 2010, 22:13:13 UTC
I can totally see it. :)


evangelin1202 August 3 2010, 08:22:52 UTC
*g* Wouldn't they be cute?


luna_potterhead August 3 2010, 01:43:53 UTC
I LOVE this! I love both Buffy and Friends, equally, and I really agree with all of these! Great job!


evangelin1202 August 3 2010, 08:23:39 UTC
Yay! Thank you so much! Happy you like.


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