4 picspams + 2 videos [Big Bang] - AtS, BtVS

May 28, 2011 18:40

Here's my finished Big Bang for whedonland (Join Team Buffy! :D). My theme was 'Hell is all in the details'(My Life is Hell).

2 AtS picspams(25 caps each+variations with text)
2 BtVS picspams(25 caps each+variations with text)
1 Spike video
1 Angel/Buffy video

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!video, characters:spike, !picspam, tv shows:buffy the vampire slayer, ships:angel/buffy, tv shows:angel:the series

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Comments 12

snogged May 28 2011, 16:15:28 UTC
Awesome work!


evangelin1202 May 28 2011, 16:42:18 UTC
Thanks so much!!


ellievanna May 28 2011, 16:22:16 UTC
Wow, this is all awesome! And you used Comes and Goes for one of the picspams! I love that song, and it will always be connected to BtVS for me (mainly since my favorite fanvid is to that song) and it fit so well. That picspam is my favorite, along with the second of the AtS picspams as well. And the vids are great! I love how you edited the clips, especially in the Angel/Buffy vid. Fantastic! :D


evangelin1202 May 28 2011, 16:46:29 UTC
Thank you so much!! I'm so happy you liked it all.
The song is amazing, I love it too and couldn't resist using it. :D


booshmanic May 28 2011, 16:30:31 UTC
Gorgeous picspams!!! I love the Buffy/Angel video!! Amazing work! :D


evangelin1202 May 28 2011, 16:50:13 UTC
Thank you, hun! I'm so happy you liked it.


musical_junkie May 30 2011, 22:30:28 UTC
I really loved how you colored the caps in the picspams to fit in with your theme. They really worked well together, and the text was relevant, tasteful, and really tipped it over the edge into awesomeness territory.

The vids were really well done and I'm very impressed with the amount of time they must have taken to make.

Awesome Big Bang.


evangelin1202 May 31 2011, 11:39:59 UTC
Thank you so much! I'm usually unsure about coloring picspams so I'm really happy these came out well.

Thank you!! I feel like I spend more time waiting for my muse to come around than anything else. :D


anna_sg1 May 31 2011, 22:46:21 UTC
I'm in love with the colors in your picspams. Gorgeous work!

Plus, the B/A video was ASGDHAKJGHK AMAZING! The song fits them perfectly and the clips are perfectly synced.



evangelin1202 June 1 2011, 17:30:47 UTC
Awww, thank you so so much, baby!

This song is THEIRS! I wanted to make this vid from the moment I heard it!


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