Title: Bloodtests, Spandex, and the Debauchery of Captain America Artist: tripperfunster Author: eeyore9990 Rating: NC-17 fic with worksafe art Universe: Movieverse Word Count: ~9850 Warnings: None.
I can't even begin to tell you how much love I have for this fic! Now I'm looking forward to The Avengers with even more glee!! And much squeeage. Because, omg, it's the AVENGERS!!
OMG, Auntie, I can't wait. I've been watching the previous movies every damn day in anticipation and it's still not scratching that itch I have to see it RIGHT NOW OMG. *bounces* It can be May 4th now?? PLEASE???
"Tony, I apologize, but Mr. Odinson bypassed my security protocols-"
Which makes me think that JARVIS is speaking from his second backup server, as his primary is now a smoking pile of slag, and his first backup is shooting sparks from a Mjolnir sized hole in its motherboard.
LOL! Thank you... for the lovely comment and the amazing image you've given me. :D I find JARVIS to be an incredibly sexy character and he's a computer-generated voice. This is a problem, isn't it?
OMG. I now have a Loki/JARVIS bunny. Because if anyone could get it on with a disembodied voice, it'd totally be Loki.
Comments 42
*jumps in your arms* How's it going, bb?
So... yes, this was fun, hot, and YES!!
Which makes me think that JARVIS is speaking from his second backup server, as his primary is now a smoking pile of slag, and his first backup is shooting sparks from a Mjolnir sized hole in its motherboard.
This is lovely. Nicely done.
OMG. I now have a Loki/JARVIS bunny. Because if anyone could get it on with a disembodied voice, it'd totally be Loki.
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