Yeah, we tell everyone we are high school sweethearts. We went camping last weekend, and it was the first time we have ever watched the sun rise. Weird, since we're from Florida and been together for 13 years, right?
Its probably one of those things that you always plan on doing, but for some reason or another it just never happens. I hope your first sunrise together was romantic! :-)
I chose "I have a few that I keep in touch with" but really it's only one because we were actually friends before we began dating. We have some kind of psychic connection where I'd randomly wonder what he's up to and debate emailing him when suddenly I'll get an email from him. We'll email for a few days and then stop and then repeat the dance again in a year. It's our thing.
That's actually pretty cool. :-) I have had 2 serious relationships and I still keep in touch with both guys intermittently. Whenever I start getting nostalgic about either of them, all it usually takes is a lengthy phone call to remind me why I'm not with either of them anymore. :-)
By the way, I thought you would enjoy the double meaning in this blurb about Doomsday. I know you're pretty much spoiler-free, but I don't think this is anything we didn't know from the last episode: Oliver tells Clarks that he must kill Davis. Clark's not having it, though, so Green Arrow takes matters into his own hands. :-)
Clark's not having it, though, so Green Arrow takes matters into his own hands. :-)
LOL! Does Oliver really think he can change Clark's mind by tempting him with Ollie jerking off for him? I mean, Clark would have to think long and hard about it, but really Oliver?
Comments 14
By the way, I thought you would enjoy the double meaning in this blurb about Doomsday. I know you're pretty much spoiler-free, but I don't think this is anything we didn't know from the last episode: Oliver tells Clarks that he must kill Davis. Clark's not having it, though, so Green Arrow takes matters into his own hands. :-)
LOL! Does Oliver really think he can change Clark's mind by tempting him with Ollie jerking off for him? I mean, Clark would have to think long and hard about it, but really Oliver?
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