Two Weeks Without Sugar (Part 2)

Jul 27, 2012 17:58

Pairing: Baekyeol
Words: ~1000
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I don't own them yeah yeah
Summary: Just an escape.

“Poor Tao,” Baekhyun breathed, sitting curled up with Chanyeol on his bed after that night’s wild events. “He must be heartbroken. His sobs are kind of heart-wrenching. Imagine how awful Kris must feel right now.”
“Awful,” Chanyeol repeated, and Baekhyun looked up at him sweetly.

“I’d never do that to you, Chanyeollie,” Baekhyun said soothingly, patting his arm.

“Kris loves Tao though, but he still did it,” Chanyeol pointed out, revealing his insecurities. Baekhyun let out a sigh and leaned his head on Chanyeol’s shoulder.

“I swear, Chanyeol, that nothing will happen, okay? The only person I’d ever want to kiss is you. Anyway, with Kris and Tao, they both have other problems that played into this. Us, we’re perfect, right?” he laughed, and Chanyeol let out a relieved laugh as well.

“Do you think we can tell the others about us soon?”

“I think that we should wait until this fiasco is over,” Baekhyun sighed. “But I think they all have already kind of figured it out. We live in a house of observant men. And you did kiss me that one time.”

“And many times after,” Chanyeol teased, “but that first time is the only one they know about.”

“It’s only a matter of time,” Baekhyun grinned. “They’ll catch us one day.” Chanyeol yawned. “Sleepy, Chanyeollie?”

“Yeah,” Chanyeol replied, “it’s been kind of a long night, hasn’t it?”

“Sleep, then,” Baekhyun coaxed. “I’ll sing you a lullaby.”

Chanyeol fell asleep to Baekhyun’s beautiful voice in his ears and Baekhyun’s perfect fingers drifting through his hair.

“Chanyeol,” Baekhyun whispered. “Chanyeol.”

“What?” Chanyeol murmured, opening his eyes heavily to see Chanyeol lying next to him in his bed.

“Good morning,” Baekhyun smiled, kissing Chanyeol’s nose. “Chanchan, we need to leave. Can we walk? Or something?”

“Why?” Chanyeol groaned. “I want to sleep!”

“Suho and Xiumin are talking to Tao, and he’s crying again. Kris isn’t up yet, but when he does get up, this house is going to be in a state of disarray. Kyungsoo and Kai already left.”

“You’re right,” Chanyeol grumbled, getting out of bed. “I’ll change and we can go.” Baekhyun picked out a shirt for him, and a pair of pants, and they were out the door before anyone noticed they were awake.

“It’s cold,” Baekhyun breathed, “but so nice. Chanyeol, let’s hold hands!”

“Okay!” Chanyeol beamed, taking Baekhyun’s hand tightly, and Baekhyun stuffed their intertwined fingers into his own pocket.

“I think it’ll snow any day now,” Baekhyun mused, wriggling his fingers as he smiled up at Chanyeol. “We can make a snow fort and throw snowballs at whoever leaves the dorm!”

“And we can cover the sidewalk with snowmen so people can’t get by,” Chanyeol laughed. “Snow pranks are the best.”

“Pranks are the best, and you and I are the best at pulling them off,” Baekhyun nodded. He breathed out, and his breath came out as fog.

It was times like these where Baekhyun liked Chanyeol the most.  They were just talking, joking around, and being generally silly, but he loved Chanyeol like this.

“Ah! I’ll buy you a hot chocolate, hyung!” Chanyeol offered eagerly. Baekhyun laughed.

“Shouldn’t I be buying you one? Since I’m the hyung?” Baekhyun said, but Chanyeol insisted. They downed the hot chocolate in record time, and Chanyeol offered to buy Baekhyun another one since the first had gone so fast.

Baekhyun just pulled Chanyeol down by his scarf and kissed him, still tasting the cocoa on his lips.

“Hyung!” Chanyeol cried, “someone might see!”

“Yeah!” Baekhyun nodded. “Let’s see how many times we can kiss before someone catches us. It’s fun, right?”

“Well, yeah, but hyung,” Chanyeol began, but Baekhyun just kissed him again. He loved the way Chanyeol was turning furiously red. “You’re crazy,” Chanyeol muttered.

“So are you,” Baekhyun laughed. “Come on, Chanchan, let’s go to the park.” They sat on a bench, surrounded by people, and when Baekhyun deemed that nobody was looking, he’d kiss Chanyeol again. Anywhere they went, Baekhyun would keep kissing Chanyeol, because he liked to. He liked the feel of Chanyeol’s warm lips, the way Chanyeol would turn red and get flustered, and the way he would never refuse Baekhyun’s kisses.

“What time is it?”

“Almost eleven,” Baekhyun said, looking around before stealing another kiss from Chanyeol. “Do you think we should go back?”

“I guess so,” Chanyeol replied.

“I kind of want to know how everything is going. And anyway, it’s best to quit while we’re up, huh?” Baekhyun grinned slyly, and Chanyeol flashed a toothy smile back at him. They stood, and Baekhyun wrapped his arm around Chanyeol’s waist and Chanyeol’s hand found a place on Baekhyun’s shoulder. Baekhyun walked as close to Chanyeol as possible as they chatted on the way back to the dorm, Baekhyun falling more and more in love with every step they took.

Really, he was glad Chanyeol had kissed him that day. Because once Baekhyun had started kissing Chanyeol, he couldn’t stop.

They were walking up the stairs back to the dorm when Baekhyun squeezed Chanyeol tighter.

“Chanchan,” Baekhyun said, turning his head up to Chanyeol’s. He really did love their height difference. “Kiss me.”

Chanyeol didn’t even hesitate.

“Hyung,” Chanyeol said quietly, and his deep voice made him sound even quieter suddenly. “Would it be weird if I told you that I think I like you more than just liking you?”

“You mean like really like?” Baekhyun teased, but evidently Chanyeol didn’t catch Baekhyun’s joke.

“No, more than that,” Chanyeol said, stopping outside the door to their dorm. “A lot more than that.”

“Like how much, then, Chanyeollie?” Baekhyun chuckled. Chanyeol was absolutely adorable when he was flustered.

“Like…l-love,” he coughed. Baekhyun’s heart rate increased, and he couldn’t help but smile.

“What? I couldn’t hear you. Say it again.”
“You’re teasing me, aren’t you?” Chanyeol muttered, but Baekhyun saw the hint of a smile there.
“Just a little bit,” Baekhyun laughed. “Do you want me to say it first, then?”

“I can,” Chanyeol hurried to say, but Baekhyun just kissed him again, latching onto his shoulders.

“I love you, Chanyeollie,” Baekhyun said seriously. “I love you.”

“I love you too,” Chanyeol grinned. He leaned down, kissing Baekhyun softly, gently on the lips.

Suddenly, Kris opened the door, looking pale and disgruntled. He gave them a look that showed a strange mix of emotions-surprise, guilt, jealousy, and the slightest bit of disgust-before he turned away. Baekhyun gave a tiny squeak before he and Chanyeol slipped past Kris into the house, greeting Lay as they retreated into their bedroom.

“Caught,” Baekhyun laughed. “So what’s our record then?”

“Twenty-four. Or twenty-three, not counting that one,” Chanyeol replied, still smiling giddily.

“That means we’ll have to beat that record sometime, huh?” Baekhyun grinned, and Chanyeol nodded.

“I can’t wait.”

<< part 1

rating: pg, genre: fluff, fandom: exo, series: two weeks without sugar, length: twoshot, pairing: baekhyun/chanyeol

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