As distinct from security issues, of course.
Today I went to sign up for some financial site so I could switch from paper bills to email and get automatic payments going. I fed it one of my usual generated passwords, which looked something like:
Here's the response I got.
Your password must be 6-20 characters long and contain
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Comments 34
That's not the worst one I've seen, though. I know of one site (it's a porn site >.>) that requires your password to be six digits.
I know of a bank that requires a password to be only digits. As many as you want, but only digits.
I stress that this is A FUCKING BANK.
My last name is O'Donnell. Because of that ' EVERY TIME I am confronted by a computer system with my name in it (everything from a store mailing list to doctors offices and banks) It takes no less than three tries for them to find it because depending on the system, that ' could be a ', a space, or not there at all. I am SERIOUSLY thinking of changing my name just because of that as I am sick of this happening at EVERYWHERE I go.
I am having LOTS OF FUN with this bullshit since my father recently died and checks and shit got sent to abandoned property. On top of the lovely last name drama he occasionally went by his middle name so I have to try every combo of his first name middle name nick names for them and initials. WHY IS THERE NO PUT IN ADDRESS OPTION FKLGSBGJKLF
Oh hey you run that one Crawl server. I ran across it several times while trying to set up my own, which nobody has ever used.
Or you might not care because you have eighty billion other projects, so whatever. :)
Also it doesn't help that I've never made it past dlvl 2 in Crawl. *ahem*
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